The Love of Merry Go Rounds | Teen Ink

The Love of Merry Go Rounds

December 18, 2014
By Samantha Lewis BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
Samantha Lewis BRONZE, Vancouver, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Some of the worst injuries happen when we are kids because as children we do not see the consequences of our actions before we do them. In the summer before first grade, my parents and I went to go visit my elementary school to meet my new teacher, Mrs. Coulsin. That night after we were done meeting teachers, we went to the playground to have some fun.

 The school had a huge playground. They had swings, monkey bars, a tower to climb up, a rope wall, and of course a classic red merry go round. I never played on it, not because it was old but because I always got motion sickness easily while riding it. However, I decided to try it again. The older kids were playing on the playground at the school too, and I thought those scary kids were just going to stomp all over me.

The merry go round was completely deserted except for me until one of the fifth grader girls decided to jump on with me. I could never get it going fast by myself so I guess she wanted to be nice and help me out. Quickly, I jumped off and watched because my nerves started to run high.

She ran so fast when she pushed the merry go round in circles. My eyes couldn't believe it. I had never seen it go so fast before.

The next thing I know she yells to me, "Jump on."

My mouth went completely dry. Thoughts raced through my mind. Should I jump or should I watch?

"Okay," I managed to get out.

Mentally and physically prepared, I jumped. My hands reached for one of the silver bars and I latched on. It was safe to say I partly made it on. I was holding on but my feet were flying in the air. My body was whipping around and I couldn't see anything else except my hands. The twirling merry go round would not let me hold on much longer. I tried so hard not to let go, but there was no hope. With my body in the air and the merry go round going at top speed, my hands slipped away from the silver bars.

The next thing I knew I was over by the yellow
slide lying in the bark chips. The merry go round flung me over to the base of
the slide where I smashed my face and chipped my two front teeth. My parents
and the girl ran over to see if I was okay and of course I wasn't.

They quickly asked, "Are you ok? Where does is hurt? Are you bleeding?" I screamed I was hurt while I was crying in pain. My parents assessed me and came to the conclusion that I was ok, but I had a small chip in my two front teeth. Just recently I had both of my teeth fixed so it looks like nothing ever happened. That experience did not only cause pain but now I have never gone on a merry go round since then in fear of being thrown off.

The author's comments:

This piece is from a time of my early child hood. I faintly remeber the exeperience, but it did have a latsing impression. I hope people can find a laugh from this story because it sure makes me laugh! 

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