Playland | Teen Ink


January 29, 2015
By Cena Salem BRONZE, Bronx Ny, New York
Cena Salem BRONZE, Bronx Ny, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cloudy friday when I heard my dad said that he was going to take us to playland my sisters and I felt so happy because we never been to playland. So my sisters and I went to get dress. It affected me because we never go to trips with the family because my dad is always busy with his work and that day he was free so I was glad that we went. Happiness kept on repeating in my mind.


When we were in the car and about to get there I saw a lot of cars passing by and I heard my sisters screaming in the car I also smelled the sour cream chips that I bring with me. I was thinking to myself how does playland look does it have a lot of rides or does have a lot of baby rides or big rides thoughts kept racing through my mind. Even when we didn't get there happiness kept on repeating.


So when we got there I saw a lot of rides half were babies rides and were big rides I was so excited to get on the rides so I just ran to the big rides and a lot of babies rides. I was so excited that we are here and I just went ahead and played. I felt the wind as it was blowing in my face and I smelled the food that they had and I got really hungry then I went and got food. My sister Sabaa came and said “Can we got on the big rides please?” I said okay and we went to the ride but they didn't let my sister in because she was too short.My sister felt really cheerless but she went on other good rides too. At the end of the day we went home and it was the best day for me and i was so happy that I went and I hope we go again.

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