You're Not Worthless | Teen Ink

You're Not Worthless

February 1, 2015
By Anonymous

Why do people lie? Why do they tell you they love you when they don't? Why do they tell you they want to be with you and give you the world when in reality they aren't even willing to give you an inch?

Don't lie to people. If they give you their heart, do not abuse it. You're special.. someone gave you their heart and trusted you to treat it with care and protect it, so don't stomp on it. 

My heart has been stomped on and torn into pieces by people who have told me that they would never hurt me. I felt hopeless. I felt like I would never find happiness. I clung to people who didn't want me, but I told myself that they did. I allowed myself to be walked all over time and time again. I had no self respect. I did things to make boys like me and I hoped that whatever I did would make them want to stick around. I had so much to offer, but I didn't show that. I let these people see that I was vulnerable and sometimes that is the worth thing that you could do.

If you're reading this, please remember that you have something to offer. You are worth it. Give your heart to someone who will protect it and treat it with care. If someone doesn't want to stick around, show them the door because you do not need them. You'll have those days where you feel too sad to get out of bed and you'll think that you will never find happiness, but let me tell you something.. if I could find happiness after being broken and betrayed several times before, so can you. Everyone has a shot at love and happiness and it will come to you when you least expect it. So chin up gorgeous, show 'em what you're worth.

The author's comments:

I want everyone to know that they have something to offer to the world, they need to make their mark and remember that their time to be happy will come.

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