Reflecting On Reflections | Teen Ink

Reflecting On Reflections

February 19, 2015
By Austin Aragon BRONZE, Marysville, Washington
Austin Aragon BRONZE, Marysville, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Come on you have to.”
“But what is it going to do.” I was talking with Kris, and Kris was begging me to enter the Reflections. I said “It would be boring, and I have bad handwriting.”
“You can type it and you’re really smart, I know you would do well.”
“Fine,” I said “I’ll do it” although I didn’t want to but I decided that it might be fun but it might not. As I was weighing the options in my mind, Kris gives me a blank stare.
“What.” I said
“Are you going to win?” Kris said and at the same time gave me a smile.
“No promises.”

           I created my reflections paper off of when I was very little, it had to be perfect. After two months I was starting to think they had forgotten about my story. But a few days later, which was an eternity, they called everyone down to the café for the assembly for the awards ceremony. The café was like all the other assemblies, it looked like none of them gave any effort to this but I didn't care, I was happy that they recognized us at all.

            I sat on the floor and waited for them to call my category which was Literature. I waited and waited and waited, they had just called 2nd and 3rd so the last one to call is 1st, the tension was building inside me. I can see Kris smiling at me because Kris thought I won, “And the winner is” I close my eyes and hope, “Austin” I  open my eyes, smile and walk up to the center stage, take my award and sit back down.

            My story won’t end here. I still had one more challenge, I still have to face off with the rest of the School District. I get my fancy clothes on and we drive to school, I listen to my favorite music to calm me down because I felt like I had so much stress I will literally blow up. Once I am in the auditorium I wait for my category to be called and they called 2nd and 3rd place winners so I am getting stressed again. “The 1st place winner is… Austin” I am surprised but I manage to walk up and shake hands with them, grab my award which smelled like victory and then I left the building.

            I ended up not going to the state competition because I was too young and they stopped the 2nd to 5th grade writers MSD. Later on I was in my room with my two shades of blue room, it was separated by a banner that wrapped around my room. I was thinking about my story and how I could have made it better. I came to the conclusion that you shouldn't fix something that is not broke, I thought well I did the best I could and I am happy enough with that. I learned that even with me thinking I was going to lose the Reflections, I still won. The lesson really is that you should just try something even if it looks hard. Then you will know how good you can do.

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