"The Champioship" | Teen Ink

"The Champioship"

February 19, 2015
By dawson coe BRONZE, Murica, Louisiana
dawson coe BRONZE, Murica, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

On an early Saturday morning in Washington I woke to the beautiful sun shining over the horizon.  I open my window and say to myself what a beautiful day.  This day was not just any old day it was the day of my championship.  I was very excited because I got to play with and against a lot of my friends.  I went downstairs after I got ready by making my bed, doing my hair, brushing my teeth etc.  I opened the cereal cabinet and grabbed some life… cereal that is.  After I ate my bowl of life and got some orange juice I was energized.  My family waited for me to pack my hockey bag and after it was packed off to the rink we went.      
When I got to the rink my parents dropped me off right in front I sprinted inside the rink I felt like I was as fast as flash running.  Once I got inside the rink I saw my friend Caden he was on my team, I said to him are you ready he responded with a smile on his face and a big “yes.”  I waited in the lobby of the rink until coach Austin got the key for the locker room.  Once he got the key my team went for a jog to get warmed up, after that we stretched and went back to the locker room.  When we got in we were all pumped about the game.  You could feel the energy in the room we were roaring with excitement because we got the chance to be in this game.
After everyone on my team showed up to the rink we started to get our gear on.  I got all my gear on except my skates because when I was 11 years old I  couldn’t tie my skates tight enough but my dad could so I always had him do it for me. Once everyone was geared up my team started doing a ton of different chants.  I started a chant by saying who are we everyone responded “GRIZZLIES” then I said what are we going to do and everyone responded “WIN.”  Our team was very loud as loud as the 12th man it felt like. I new it wasn’t that loud but we were loud.  My coach came in and we quieted and calmed down.  We had a chalk talk and talked about strategies such as dump and chase face off wins and many other strategies.  After that we finished getting ready by getting our helmets, gloves, and our sticks last our goalie Gar led us out to the ice. I was ready for this hockey game and I was pumped it was a big one. 
Gar leads
us out of the locker room to the ice the crowd was as loud as a freight train.  We go out to the ice and see the rival team the Kodiaks. We go skate and do our warm up for five minutes. We clean up our pucks and then our coach talks to us. I go out with Nick as my partner I stay on the ice for about 45 seconds then my coach called me and Nick off.  About 7 minutes into the game my team scores the crowd and my team goes crazy.   Later in the game near the end of the second period I realize my coach keeps short shifting e for some unknown reason.   I think to myself did I do something wrong. And then I get to go out again AND I GET SHORT SHIFTED AGAIN!!! I was outraged it keeps happening but then my team scores again so I’m happy.  But then a few shifts later my coach sits me a shift and you know what that line gets scored on and I’m upset its 2-1.   I haven’t been scored on so I’m happy I did my job during the game. 
My team ends up winning the game.  And we throw our gloves in the air and freak out we won the championship we put the banner up on the wall later that week and later that week I figured out I learned a big lesson that has helped me in life. That lesson that I learned was that in life you have to make sacrifices that you may not want to make.  Also when those sacrifices are made they may not always turn out the way you thought. So during that game I sacrificed the amount of time I got to play so other people could play more.  That lesson has been very useful for me and has helped me many times.  My team has our big championship party and I have a ball. What an amazing season that was and I will look back on that season and the lessons I learned for years to come.

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