Somtimes the Unbreakable, Break | Teen Ink

Somtimes the Unbreakable, Break

February 12, 2015
By Anonymous

I want to tell you a story of how a once unbreakable girl broke. Just one event changed her life forever, the once strong, brave person, shattered into a million pieces.
She thought she had found her Prince Charming, but he turned out to be a fraud, leading her along like a pawn in his game. It started as an 'accident' she thought it was a joke, but that joke grew, and got out of hand and the next thing she knew, her innocence was lost. He grabbed her hard and left purple prints in her arms, her friends asked her what? but she had no answer. As he strung her along, things continued to get worse, he hit, and slapped, words were thrown at her and stung her worse than the smacks. The end was near, and the final straw was the rape. He got her drunk and forced her to drink, more he'd say, and shove it in her face. She was wasted and gone beyond the world, and that's when her innocence was lost, nay, stolen from her. She was broken and lost, no one understood the pain she felt, the guilt she lived, she had to end it, she tried and tried, but nothing worked. She wised up and left the boy, and told a friend what had happened. Her friend brought hope and a future that shines bright, she is recovering now, and you ask who she is? well, she's me.

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