Talkative Times | Teen Ink

Talkative Times

February 27, 2015
By Anonymous

When I was in seventh grade my best friend Bushra and I got in trouble a lot. It was never anything big but we used to do dumb things and talk a lot. We were constantly sent out of class. It was hilarious at the time, and extremely funny to this day. But, there is one time that we still talk about today that gets us crying with laughter.

At my middle school we were treated like elementary schoolers, there was a color system. Green was good, Yellow was a warning, Blue ment you got written up and sent out of the classroom to another teacher, Mr. Dixon’s, room. And, finally red ment being sent to the dean’s office and a possible suspension. I never really go Reds mostly just Yellows and occasionally blues. Mr. Dixon was the coolest but when you got in trouble he meant business. My teacher Ms. Swetz, The teacher’s class that we got kicked out of, was in a bad mood and said that everyone needed to be quiet. Me and Bushra were already riled up and that wasn’t going to happen. Shortly after the hour started, both Bushra and I were on our waning of a yellow.

After the class continued on my best friend bushra was standing in the back of the classroom piling on hand sanitizer chanting “I crave the wet feeling, I crave the wet feeling, I crave the wet feeling” while I sat in the front of the classroom giggling at my silly friend. Finally my teacher became angry with my giggling and claimed I was talking. We immediately got in a argument about whether I was talking or not. Then, she got even more angry and told me I was on blue and told me to get out of her room. This being an everyday thing for me, I began to gather my belongings and walked to her desk. There, at her desk, Bushra was still applying an unnecessary amount of hand sanitizer, giggling. I again began to argue with my teacher telling her that I needed a pass to go out into the hallway. Bushra the agreed with me and said i needed a pass. She was still putting hand sanitizer. Suddenly, Ms. Swetz, saw how much sanitizer bushra had wasted and became even more furious. She yanked the hand sanitizer away and threw it in the trash can, then wrote bushra’s name on the pass that originally belonged to me. Bushra dramatically screamed because her hand sanitizer was now gone, then repeatedly pulled it out of the trash fighting and trying to get the hand sanitizer back. My teacher lost it and finally kicked Bushra and I out of the classroom. Bushra and I walked to Mr. Dixon’s room.

The rest of the hour we sat in his room reading the book that was assigned to us at the time. Our friends in this class were of course asking questions on why we were there. But, we couldn’t say anything because it was an automatic red. After our class was over we told our friends what happened. We then had to go apologize to our teacher. since this class was out last we went home. Nearly every time me and my best friend are together we talk about this time and all the other stupid and dumb things we did, and every time we do we laugh. We love to remember how much fun we had in middle school and how good those times were. We are still besties to this day. Everytime we laugh it is as hard as the first.

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