An Inside View on Pageants | Teen Ink

An Inside View on Pageants

March 8, 2015
By sarora123 BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
sarora123 BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There I was, standing in front of almost a thousand people, and standing next to four other beautiful girls. The stage was draped in beautiful shimmering curtains with bright lights shining all over. I could see the diamond studded crown out of the corner of my eyes. I was so nervous I could feel my heart beat in my tongue, and my stomach was turning in knots.

“Please give a round of applause to our top five contestants competing for the title of Jr. Miss Massachusetts World. The winner of this pageant will go on to nationals to compete against fifty other young women for the title of Jr. Miss United States World!”

I was too nervous to hear the rest of what the emcee was saying. All I could do was pray at this point. I looked out at the audience and saw my loving family smiling from ear to ear, hoping I would take home the crown. My eyes were being blinded by all of the sparkly gowns and cameras flashing.

“Ladies, will you please step to the front of the stage, this is the moment you have all been waiting for!”
I walked up and my heart was beating even faster, the winner was about to be announced. I then thought to myself, even if I don’t win this pageant I’ll be fine. The fact that I made it to the top five out of forty girls was an accomplishment in itself.

“Are you girls ready!”

We all held hands and awaited the announcement of who would be taking home the crown, before the placements were announced I began to doubt myself. I began to think things like, “Does the girl next to me in the red ball gown have a better chance at winning than me?”

“The fourth runner up is…”

Please please, please  don’t call my name, please please please, I thought to myself. My name wasn’t called, a wave of relief waved over me. Then I realized the third runner up was about to be called. At this point I began to think, “Maybe the girl in the pink empire waist gown has a better chance than me!”  Then the second, then the first, then and the winner! Slowly but surely the top five was narrowed down to the top two. A girl named Nicole and myself. Nicole had on a gorgeous gold mermaid gown, and her hair was perfectly curled. At this moment I began to feel that I wasn’t going to win this pageant. We hugged and held each other’s hands, each nervous and excited about the next announcement. At this very moment I remember thinking, “Why am I here? What is the point of doing pageants? Am I just wasting my time here?” But at the same time I was hoping that I would win this pageant and make my family proud!

“And the first runner up for the title of Jr. Miss Massachusetts World is...”

Oh no! I felt like I was going to be sick, I just could not wait any longer! “Why was it taking so long for the emcee to open this envelope? Why did I wear a blue gown? Wow it is hot in here!” These were the thoughts that were running through my mind.

“Nicole, number 6 which means Saher, number 13 is your new Jr. Miss Massachusetts World!!”

At this very moment I felt this feeling that I had never felt before. It was like a whoosh inside of me, and I couldn’t explain it! Everyone was cheering in the audience, my parents were crying of excitement and joy, and my competitors crying because they felt defeat. My crown and sash were both placed on me and I was told to take my first walk as Jr. Miss Massachusetts World. I walked around and I felt like I was on top of the world! I had just received this prestigious title and I was going to nationals in Houston! After all the pictures were taken, the girl who had this title before me took me aside to talk. She told me one thing that really stuck to me. She said, “This title will act as a microphone to the public, you are now a role model to so many girls and it is your responsibility to use your title wisely and try to make a difference.”

After a few days it really hit me that I had won this title. It was also time for my first appearance as Jr. Miss Massachusetts World. My sister queens and I went to the Special Olympics that day. We talked to all the athletes and they were so happy to see “real princesses”.  We spent the day taking pictures and helping out. Throughout my reign I constantly went of different appearances and helped different organizations. Yes, it was fun to dress up all the time and to sit in a convertible while waving to the crowd during parades, but the glam and fame was not the part I most enjoyed. I enjoyed the smiles that were put of the faces of people who I helped through charity. I enjoyed reading to classes, tutoring underprivileged children, and putting a smile on people’s faces. Those are the moments that will forever stick with me. Near the end of my reign, after doing almost a hundred appearances, I thought about the day that I won this title. I thought about a question that had been running through my head since then, “What is the point of doing pageants?” I realized that the point of doing pageants was the difference I made. Although it may seem small, I like to think that by doing these appearances and helping out, I helped make a small difference in the world. I really hope I helped people realize that through the charity events I was part of, pageantry is about a lot more that glitz and glam. It is about character, personality, and heart. In the end of my reign as Jr. Miss Massachusetts World I ended up placing top five at nationals, made new friends, and made some wonderful memories, while trying to make just a small difference in this world. I really hope I fulfilled my duties as Jr. Miss Massachusetts World.

The author's comments:

People are always talking about pageant stereo types, so I deceided the write an inside scoop on the amazing world of pageantry.

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