The ultimate Stimulus | Teen Ink

The ultimate Stimulus

March 4, 2015
By Will Schechter BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Will Schechter BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every day, when I look up at the trees as I’m walking to school I think of my triumph, these trees remind me of the cold days on top of ski mountains and the beautiful trees I see whenever I ski. The message of hope and triumph reaches me deeply because my favorite sport is skiing and I’ve loved it for as long as I can remember. I love going out in the thick of the cold in mid-February and navigating down the mountain. Not just going down the mountain but also enjoying the beautiful scenery that surrounded, the trees with snow on their branches, the snow falling gently to the ground and the blanket of white that was over the ground, as far as the eye can see. Unfortunately, when I was nine I had a horrible skiing accident, and I was told not to ski again. That crushed me inside, imagine being a nine year old kid who was told they could no longer do what they loved most. The idea, or even the thought of losing skiing was like a child losing their pet, just devastating. In spite of their opinions, I held out hope that I would be able to recover and ski one day again. This stimulus that was my hope, also helped with a solid amount of luck, drove me to a recovery to which two years from then I was able to return to the slopes. When I was first back on the mountain, my hope had turned into a reality. The things I missed most were the first I saw, such as all the beautiful trees that I loved and had missed and looked just like the ones I see every morning on the way to school. These trees and the motif of hope that they are, give me the attitude that anything is possible in life, on any given day.

The author's comments:

Inspired to write this because hope is an important thing to have going into any day

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