Memories | Teen Ink


March 10, 2015
By leahgeraldino SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
leahgeraldino SILVER, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
'what goes around comes around"

Okay so this morning my boyfriend and I were chilling with our friends at breakfast, he takes out his phone and starts to get pictures of me off guard. He makes me laugh because most of the time he does that because he wants to see my reaction, i love going to my classes and hereing people tell me you and your boyfriend are so cute. "i wish i had your relationship" i love hereing that. And hereing his bestfriend say he has never been with another girl like he has been with me, it just makes me feel so entirely special in so many ways. And they say who ever says i love you more cares more, is unbelieveable to me.  Because we love eachother both equally. I love the honesty, the jokes, his beautiful smile and most of all I love when he calls me his princess, because all my life i've been waiting for my prince here he is.

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