Sweet Tooth | Teen Ink

Sweet Tooth

June 11, 2015
By GDuckie33 BRONZE, South China, Maine
GDuckie33 BRONZE, South China, Maine
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Students had just gotten out of lunch and recess. We were all hyper and bouncing off the walls. It was near the end of the day and a variety of us had science next. We were working on our projects for physical and chemical changes. The room had a strong, sugary, peppermint aroma from two kids making candies for their assignment. Every once in awhile they would come around and give everyone in the room a piece of the candy that they had recently made.
The room was more disordered than it normally was. There were students’ projects and equipment everywhere. Ingredients were all over the floor and tables, dirty bowls and mixing spoons were stacked in a pile, there were glue bottles and markers lying about, and construction paper scraps littered the floor. It was exceptionally loud and Paige and I were cracking jokes to each other the whole time. We were laughing loudly and wildly to add to the noise. Mr. Maxwell had talked to us about it a few times and even threatened to separate us, but we would end up carrying on even more after he left. We were both laughing so hard, our faces were beet red and our stomachs hurt. During one of our laughing fits Evan came around passing out pieces of candy.
“Would you like some?” he asked Paige and me. We both nodded simultaneously while still giggling slightly. He lowered the tray filled with green colored candy. Paige and I both took two like he instructed and popped one into our mouths. The taste of spearmint immediately took over. The candy was still warm and gooey instead of hard like it usually was. It had just gotten out of the microwave and hadn’t cooled yet. I was fooling around and biting into it pretending to get my teeth stuck together. I would then slowly pull my jaw apart and pretend it would rip out my tooth. Paige thought it was funny and she decided to try it too. She bit hard into the piece of candy and actually got the candy stuck. She began wildly waving her hands around and calling my name.
“Look! Grace I got it stuck!” Paige said excitedly while opening her mouth slowly. Her big blue eyes were wide and she had this giant grin on her face. She was pointing to the green candy stuck between her upper and lower teeth repeatedly. I didn’t quite believe her and I thought she was just pulling my leg like I was doing to her earlier. I was shaking my head no and telling her she didn’t. She nodded and told me to look.
  I slowly put my face closer to hers to check out all the excitement. I had a feeling something was going to go wrong as soon as she started to open her mouth. I saw the tooth slowly rise from her lower teeth and stay stuck to her upper ones. It reminded me of a rocket ship blasting off into space. I began laughing immediately as her face switched from silly to a look of horror. I was laughing so hard my lungs and stomach ached and my laugh was as silent as a mouse. I was gasping for breath and tears were clouding my eyes.
Paige didn’t know what had happened at first. She had the look of confusion written all over her face. I tried to tell her what happened, but I could only get fragments of a sentence out. I guess she caught on to what I was trying to say, because in one quick motion she was already out of the room running into the bathroom. My laughing increased rapidly as I watched her run. I had never seen her run that fast in my life before. Her long skinny legs were making giant strides to the restroom. I couldn’t stop laughing and soon I felt a warm liquid on my lower half. I couldn’t stop it and all I could do was laugh some more.
Mr. Maxwell was near and he looked at me. He saw the commotion going on and all I could say was that Paige ripped out her tooth. He immediately told me to go check on her and make sure she was okay. I agreed and pulled down my sweatshirt to cover myself and tucked in my chair. I bolted to the bathroom myself to see Paige ripping the tooth off the candy. We looked at each other and burst out laughing again. I ran into a stall to stop from peeing myself again even more.
“Paige. We have a problem,” I said through the stall. I was looking down at my soaked denim jeans giggling slightly. “I peed my pants,” I said bursting out in another fit of laughter.
“Seriously?” Paige asked.
“Yes,” I replied laughing.
“No you didn’t.” I pulled up my uncomfortable soaked jeans and walked out of the stall. I lifted up my sweatshirt so she could see the giant wet spot covering my jeans. We laughed some more and began talking about what happened and both of our reactions. After a short period of time we decided to head back into Mr. Maxwell’s room. I pulled down my sweatshirt and sat back down on the edge of my seat. I didn’t want to ask him to go the the nurse because I was embarrassed. I knew he would ask why and I didn’t want to admit to my eighth grade science teacher that I peed my pants.
As soon as we sat down everyone was questioning us on the incident that happened moments ago. We were laughing and carrying on about it. I couldn’t quite stop laughing and Mr.Maxwell sent me out of the room to take a walk and cool off. On my walk I stopped by the nurse. I got cleaned up and changed into these bright blue, fuzzy sweatpants. They had a huge white stripe on the sides with navy blue stripes on the outside. I slowly made my way back into the room giggling every now and again. I walked into the room silently and sat back down. I looked to my left at Paige, then to Mr. Maxwell, then back to my work. I began working only stopping to giggle or laugh when I replayed the incident in my head.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 18 2015 at 11:22 pm
Whimsical_Bluejay_Of_The_Night BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
1 article 0 photos 16 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before."
-Edgar Allan Poe

I really enjoyed your story! It made me really happy and you are an excellent storyteller! I loved your descriptions and I could really picture everything you said. This was super funny and I loved it! :)