A Party to Remember | Teen Ink

A Party to Remember

September 2, 2015
By Anonymous

The graduation day of SK TUNKU AZIZAH is a party to remember in my mind. I will never forgotten that day. That day is the best day in my life. I'm felt very happy. 19 November 2014 is a date of graduation happen on 8pm. We were happy during dinner time.

The graduation night scheduled at MS Garden Hotel, Kuantan. The participation is from parents, teachers and standard six students.

Graduation night was a memorial for me. It happened last year before school holiday. School prepared a lot of thing to ensure it is a special day for standards six students. My friends did practised a show such as singing and performance. It is quit suprise because as I know some of my friend could not sing but they tried to participate for this event.

After arrived at the hotel, we saw a lot of people registered at the counter. We took our place with differentiate by group and I sat with other students. Our parents guide to other table combine with other parents.

Many fammilies came to graduation also to hillarious the ceremony. That had a lot of many kind of foods dished. We were enjoyed pur dish. At 8:30pm the graduation had begun with the presentation.

First agenda was opening speech by headmistress. She explained the purpose this event organised every year and need commitment from all parents to involve take note with their children improvement.

The first presentation is Asiyah and Izzaty with their song 'Miracles of December'. They song so sweet. Second presentation is an accapella team with their song 'Sempurna'. They performance were so excited. Next is Zul and teacher Lyn were perform their performance with their song 'Seiring dan Sejalan'. Then, Zul was perform with their song 'Aku Yang Dulu Bukanlah Yang Sekarang'.

During the time the dinner served. We take our line to take the food. Hotel served a delicious foods and drinks.

Besides that, it continue with other performance by our teachers. In the meantime, a lot of prizes prepared for the lucky person as a lucky draw. The sponsored came from various parties such as school, parents and other generous individual. It is a great night. I got mine too. Wow! It is a hamper.

Last performance is from all standard six students sang a song beloved teachers. We are the batch 02 had perform to sing the song 'Terima Kasih Cikgu'. It is touchable and sadness because after this it will be a memory for us.

Other than that, the photographer took our photos in every angle for us take as a souvenir, it is very great to have it.

This party is a party for me to remember for whole my life.

The author's comments:

I hope we can meet again and our friendship never end forever and after...

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