How My Life Changed | Teen Ink

How My Life Changed

September 17, 2015
By Anonymous

My life changed big time after everyone found out I was pregnant! My mom was the one who figured it out, she noticed that she hadn't bought any pads for awhile so she asked and I told her I haven't had my pried since March so that's how people started to find out. No more fun and games. My time of being a kid was over. I can still be a kid when I’m playing with my son, but when it comes to having fun with my friends, I don’t really have time to go out and have fun. When I do go, I take my son with me. I still have fun though. My sons name is Zane he is nine months now and Dante is his dad.

Being a mom has its ups and downs, but at the end of the day he makes me proud. His dad was forced to move away by his mom and dad. It’s mostly his dads fault, he lived in the same town as I did but he decided to move out of the blue two to three hours away because he started to date his bosses girlfriend, he had a job to help out. But his dad decided he didn’t want to live here anymore and decided to move two hours away. It makes life a little harder, but you get used to it. I miss him when he has been gone for long periods of a time, but he comes visit when he gets time off from work, usually once a month, he try's to stay for more than one day. We hangout at my grandmas when my mom isn't home or we go to the park for a little while, we never go to my dad's but when he is camping we go out to the lake and hang.  His parents, although trying to do what’s best for Dante they have made thing hard for us, but it’s mostly hard for Dante. He misses out on a lot of things. For instance, when Zane started to stand up, which he did  before he stared crawling. I didn’t even get to see him do that. Dante used to come over every weekend and every doctor’s appointment while I was pregnant, but after a while things changed.  His parents basically promised me he would be here every weekend after Zane was born, but that didn’t happen. His step-dad quit his job, and with six kids to take care of, they couldn’t afford it plus they had family and friends move in also. Dante finally got a car and was able to come on his own, when he has time off. He now doesn’t have to rely on his parents.

Dante and I will be fine and make it, despite all the troubles we’ve had. We love each other and our son, and know we will have to fight hard and work at our future together. We have great support from my side of the family in every aspect. Dante’s family does help out too, just not as much or involved as mine. Besides, I have faith and trust that God will always provide and help us through all of our struggles. God is bigger than anything life throws at us!

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