Little Me | Teen Ink

Little Me

October 23, 2015
By Anonymous

The wind blowing through my hair with the sky above me, taunting me. The number one thing I remember from learning how to ride a bike. Is my pink and purple helmet had a huge dent in the side when I fell over and crashed. That was the first time I got on my bike without training wheels I fell over, head first ruining my favorite helmet in the processes. So I had use my dad's old scratched up and spider ridden inside which I ultimately despised.


My bike was the average five year old girl bike, pink or purple with glittery streamers coming out of the handle bars and the convertible training wheels that you were able to take off as you got older. I hated them I wanted a big girl bike. The one without training wheels attached no glitter well maybe a little bit. Not a baby girl one, so the deal was if I learned how to ride a bike without training wheels I could get the bike I wanted. I would be stuck with the bike I had until my birthday in March the problem was that was like a whole year because, when I made the deal with my parents it was only August and I didn't want to wait almost a whole year for a new bike. Especially one I really really wanted.

So I got on the bike and started to ride around my last moment with training wheels and then my mom took them off. Sitting on the bike, which now felt unreal to me because I didn't have the balance I had when there were training wheels. I started to pedal while my mom held on to the back while wobbling like a penguin around the driveway.  I was afraid if a breeze came it would blow the bike over, because I couldn't find my balance. I kept telling my mom to not let go afraid that she would. Always assuming the worst I worried that if she would let go I would fall over and break my arm or worse a leg. But I didn’t. She held on at first and she tried to let go a few times but I would stop before she would let go. My mom told me I needed to trust my instincts and just let it happen so I could get my new bike and I wanted that bike so much.

On what felt like my billionth time on the bike, when it was really only a few times trying. I got it even though I only made it a few feet before stopping I pedaled on my own and made it to one side of the driveway to the other. It was only a few feet, but it felt like a whole mile. On my second try I made it half way across the driveway and I fell scraping up my right knee in the process. I still have a small scar to this day, but I got back up and kept trying. Determined I keep trying to learn. Not wanting to fail and not get a new bike. My parents kept cheering me on, because on my third try no one was holding the back of my bike and there were no training wheels. I made it across the driveway I was so happy right when I hit the grass I couldn't stop jumping up and down. But, still had only made it five feet without falling over or stopping. Also I was still wobbling around like a spinning top my goal was to make it up and down the whole driveway not just across and I also needed to learn how to brake, because I hadn't mastered that just yet.

At the top of the driveway could see the bottom it wasn’t that far it was your average driveway. I went through the steps I was told to do to master riding a bike. Stay up straight, don't lean or you will fall, and don't look down or somewhere else or you will probably fall. This whole process of learning how to ride a bike took me all of right  hours with a few breaks in between, but finally I had learned. Mastering how to ride a bike in one day was an accomplishment. The next day I got to go get a brand new shiny bike with a little bit of glitter and a new bell. It was perfect exactly what I had dreamed of the perfect bike.


Now that I look back at the experience, it is extremely embarrassing, but it is also a great part of my childhood that I get to look back greatly on and one I definitely don’t regret. It’s also a great story that has photos for when I get older and it is even more embarrassing. Definitely one I will never forget. But to this day both of those bikes sit in the back of the garage they aren't as shiny and colorful as they once were. Also they are now covered in dust and cobwebs, but they are still a reminder of that day and every time I look at them I smile and see that day over in my head again

The author's comments:

This is about how I learned to ride a bike, for the first time.

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