Daddy Days Are Over | Teen Ink

Daddy Days Are Over

November 4, 2015
By Annie38 BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
Annie38 BRONZE, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Mommy!” I scream as my mother walks in from the front door. I run up to her while she sets the rainbow colored grocery bags onto the cold, wooden floor. I leap into her arms as if she is the last person on the Earth that could save me.
“Happy birthday beautiful” My mother whispers as she lays a kiss on my forehead.
“Thank you” I reply as I attempt to wiggle out of her grasp.
"Go up to your room and get grandma so we can set up please." My mother asks me after I was put onto the floor. I sprint out of the living room, through the hallway, and up the stairs to enter my bedroom. As I enter my bedroom the strong smell of cleaning supplies hits my nose.

"Grandma, mommy wants you to go help her set up."I say to my grandmother who is vacuuming the green carpet which is my bedroom floor.
"Okay tell her that I will be down in a minute please." I sprint down the stairs, and into the living room.
"Grandma said she be down in a minute." My mother then spoke up.
"Grandma said she will be down in a minute, don't forget the will, thank you."
After a few minutes my grandmother walks down the stairs and into the living room to help my mother set up for my birthday party.
“May I go play video games in uncle Sean’s room please?”I ask to my mother and grandmother.
“Yes you may”My grandmother replies before my mother has the chance to decline.         
“Thank you”I scream while I am running up the stairs. I run through my room and into my uncle’s room. Once I’m at his Xbox 360 I turn it on to see the green circle.


“Boo, daddy is here!” I hear my mother scream from up the stairs. I sprint up the stairs as fast as I can to see my father. I race through the kitchen and into the living room to see if my dad is actually here. I see his little dark blue car through the big window and then race back through the kitchen and out of the side door of our house. I sprint out of our backyard after opening the gate and up to my father.

“Daddy!” I scream for my father to hear me. He turns around and has a giant smile on his face.
“There’s my beautiful five year old” He says as I run up to him. He squats down and opens his arms for me to jump into. As I land in his arms he picks me up and spins me around. He holds me tighter than he usually does but it doesn't  hurt. I take this as my moment to inhale his scent, fresh Christmas trees from the Christmas tree market that we go to every year. When he sets me down I look up at his face to see tears in his eyes.

“Daddy what's wrong?” I question wanting to know why my father is crying.
“Nothing baby, you're just growing up so fast.” He states as he puts a smile on his face. He then opens his back doors and pulls out the biggest pile of presents I have ever seen before.
“Are these all for me daddy!” I exclaim not believing my eyes.
“Yes they are, I want this to be the best birthday ever.” My father happily replies to my exclamation.
“Thank you” I say gratefully as I give him my biggest bear hug.


I wake up in the morning with a big smile on my face remembering everything that happened last night. I look over to see my mom sitting watching me.
“Mommy where's daddy I want to thank him again” I question my mother. Tears well up in her eyes as she gives me a sorrowful look.
“Baby daddy is gone.” She whispers to me trying to not let any tears fall.
“ What you mean daddy's gone he was just here?” I ask confused as to what my mother means.
“Daddy left baby, he's not coming back.”

The author's comments:

I decided to write this piece because not having a father growing up has affected me as a person and has made me who I am to this day. My father leaving me at a young age made me stronger as a person. Him leaving showed to me that I don't need a pair of crutches, all I need is one. 

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