The Pill That Changes Lives | Teen Ink

The Pill That Changes Lives

November 11, 2015
By Anonymous

When I was in the 8th grade, I probably wasn’t the best child. I mean, I’m still not the greatest but I’m better behaved than I was. I had gotten an adderall pill from a friend. I remember looking at the pill and the contents inside. It made me nervous just looking at it. It had half clear and half white casing, and in the half clear side, I could see the white pellets of medicine rolling around in there; I wouldn’t have took the pill from him but the fact that my friends had took it intrigued me and the pill was calling my name. I took the pill on the bus in the morning with a juice box that my friend gave me; I was obviously not too mature if we were still drinking juice boxes as regular daily beverages. After the pill had kicked in it was exhilarating. I felt as if I were a young child again who was getting excited on Christmas Eve. I was so jittery and excited. That day was great, other than the fact that I was nervous as sh!t that everyone knew I took the pill; I actually got a pretty bomb grade on my math test that day.  A day after I took the pill, I got called down to the principal's office. The walk down to the principal's office was horrid. I started to shake immensely as I made my way down. I was lead back to his office and sat down. 

The principal said to me, “Did you take an ADHD medication that was not prescribed to you?” I obviously said no, cause why would I rat myself out. He kept asking me the same question over and over again knowing I had lied but he never straight up told me I was guilty. I went home that night to find out that my mom knew I took the pill somehow with her mom senses because of the amount of my friends that were suspended for it. She screamed at me and I literally thought I was dead; I was thinking in my head “Bye world, see ya. I’m done here.”. And my dad didn’t even say anything to me. He had the typical “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed” response. My mom  forced me to write a letter of apology for lying, although I did not feel sorry. I gave the letter to the principal the next day and he told me to go get my binders from my locker because I was suspended.

He said “ Don’t talk to anybody, Don’t say anything, just get your stuff and come straight back.” And at this point I was thinking to myself “ Holy sh!t, I took a freaking pill. It’s not like I murdered someone.” I went back to the office and was sent home to start my suspension. My parents were angry at me and so was I. Over the span of my suspension, I realized, I’m not a leader. I am a follower. I took the pill because my friends took one and I wanted to fit in; Later on in that month, I had been offered another adderall pill, but I turned it down because I realized I was done trying to fit in. 

The author's comments:

I hope people get a motivation to not do things because other people are doing it.

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