Getting on my nerves | Teen Ink

Getting on my nerves

November 11, 2015
By BAKER_77 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
BAKER_77 BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
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years to early teen years, I started football for the first time, I didn't have any knowledge of the sport. I fell in love with the sport immediately, but because of me playing this sport I would have to realize the possible eventuality of minor to severe injuries in the future. I started off in 7th grade and was second string for an offensive linemen, 8th grade I finally started as a center for the offensive line, ever since I've been a starter for the offense, it has always felt natural for me to start because the coaches always kept me there, and I had the best spot and never knew any other feeling than this. Later in my years, I became a junior, starting my first official year of varsity football. The coaches decided to put me at defense because of my size and we already have had a center who has been on varsity and is in the same grade as I am. As time went by in the season I have become better, I started my whole varsity year, then our biggest competitors were coming up, lake Orion. We love going up against them, it's always a big battle between us. Luckily for us this game would be played at our home turf, sadly Before lake Orion week came I've had minor problems with my right arm, it's been having stingers, going in flames, heating up, rapidly increasing, then following with a numb feeling. Over the past couple weeks I've had them continuously, eventually they became so serious I had to sit out in one of my games, mid game actually because of them. As this week went by for preparing for lake Orion, I took things slow in my situation because of previous events by sitting out for a day or two of practice. Game day came, before the game we would meet up at the field house and have a pre game meeting, everybody was listening to music, strutting arrogantly around, getting gear ready and confidently grasping firmly everybody’s hand they see, saying

"let's go baby" I replied
"you ready to mess them up out there?" right to there face with this cocky glare, most of what they said was vulgar to each other. All the time, *click clunk click clunk* skidding, grinding of people's cleats walking across the concrete in the field house. Coach KR opening the door yelling
"let's go boys this is your house!" We all scream and shout and walk up to the door, lining up beside each other two by two.

The game is non stopping, the crowd screaming and stomping on the bleachers, they were so alive it was as if it was the roaring sound of the detroit lions football stadium chanting viciously for a win for once, everybody wanted us to win this game so very badly. The feeling went down your forearms and shot back down your legs having a fire sensation going from the bottom to your feet to a jolt that you pushed forward to the other team, grabbing there neck collar, throwing them and running to the quarterback. It was as if I was a robot claw in a assembly line, when I saw the piece I was looking for I thrusted my arm to it, and never let it go, but when I didn't need it anymore I dropped it immediately and went for my next target. The feeling was unforgettable, I've always felt this because I've never lost that moment of starting on the front lines. 3rd quarter sets in, every time our defense shuts them down and our offense scores time after time, but this series was different. As I lined up as a defensive linemen, the play starts, I punch my hand to the other man's shoulder, they all sweep to the left, I could already read the play immediately.

As i’m breaking their line of charging men, another man hits me directly in the right side of my frontal lobe of the brain. Not feeling anything, I run to the man with the ball. Suddenly, after 3 to 5 seconds of that massive blow, I've never felt anything like this. Pain, no burning? I couldn't remember which one i felt but I could feel them both, a heart like pulse going down my whole, as I could do nothing with my arm other than to hold my right forearm, I felt as if it was nothing but bone. Rushing to the sidelines as the play is over holding my arm, I yell with struggle and pain
"coach! Coach! Put someone else in!" All I cared about was my job and that was to get off the field, suddenly my eyes blackened seeing nothing, collapsing on the floor, only hearing the sound of coach KR's voice yelling 
"Katie we need you!" Our physical trainer for football.

Waking up after almost a whole minute I am rapidly shaking screaming and yelling because of the pain, I thought

"why am I in pain? What's happening to my arm?!", it would not stop. Suddenly after roughly 3 minutes it stopped, the pain was gone and I could finally walk back up, sadly I had no feeling in my arm and the feeling continued for the next week. I later went to the hospital, visiting doctors, and got a conclusion. I had a concussion, I also have a severe pinch nerve in my cervical spine, nearly severing one of my nerves would leave me paralyzed from the waist down. I was happy I did not come to that but because of this, my outcome was to be out for the rest of the season, not having any contact for four months. Realizing how grateful I was with leaving from these events, but, I had to bare the blame, I could have prevented this by sitting the lake orion game out. As I sit on the sidelines, watching everyone work hard during practice, conditioning, and taking stats by the coaches during game day, I regret every moment of playing that game, because it costed me the rest of my junior season, and possibly, playing state championships at ford field. This end feeling made me realize the aspect of this outcome, you never know what you have, until it's really gone. After that incident I took things very slow, I didn't do any heavy lifting, working out, do anything harsh on my neck or arm for weeks because of my terrible accident. As I progressed on becoming healthier, more capable on doing independent things, I could finally take physical therapy. After this I've never been more careful about my neck and never have taken so many cautionary choices in my life, I will continue to play the sport I love, but will never be so reckless again for as long as I live.

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