Brotherhood | Teen Ink


November 11, 2015
By thefeatherwriter BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
thefeatherwriter BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Summer time. Trees were full and green and yet the sun shown through clearly. The air made waves as the heat came off the dry ground. Our parents were off with friends, leaving my eldest brother to watch over the household kingdom, a king who could be trusted. Why should a king ever lie? I thought to myself. Why I think all kings should treat his people fair!

Lunch time. Our cook of a castle was my sister, and boy was she good! If the king thought his people wanted food they would get the best thanks to the Cook! So the King would order the Cook to go on a quest to Pantry Mountain, made entirely of food, to capture the sweetest of all goods... Tabasco Cheez-Iits. Rumor has it, that these were the best according to the King, I never had them before but today was my lucky day!
Both the King and the Cook said “You should try ‘em! They’re good!” It must be true, I thought, even the King says so. I reached deep into the bag and snatched as big of a handful as I could with my tiny hands, the smell was tingling... I gobbled it all into my mouth in a blink, every single crumb, expecting something delicious, but in a brief moment, I realized something was wrong, my mouth was burning like a white-hot iron enveloped my mouth and would not go away.

Don’t drink milk!” The king chanted. “Don’t drink anything! It’ll only make it hotter!” So I sat there crying from a painful burning sensation, I realized something seemed off about the entire event, but what? ...


Riding in my brother’s car, the music is loud, but we were both silent. The car is cluttered and the atmosphere is tense. His car was very much like himself; smelly, unwashed. We were heading home from drumline practice. It was dark now. We made it to the last intersection before we got out of town, Main Street; right toward rural land, towards home, left is to the heart of the village and beyond. But something unexpected happened, we went left... We weren’t going home, he had other plans. Crap, not again. He’s not supposed to be doing this. If I tell him I want to go home, he will ’ll get pissed and kick me out of the car, or I’ll still have to be stuck with him, but he’ll be b****y, but if I say nothing, then nothing will change... so I didn’t say a word...


Autumn. Halloween was here at last! Goodies and sweets. I was Thomas the Train Engine, my favorite! Going house to house and getting boatloads of candy! After our arms were tired and heavy, we went home and the great Candy Market began. Traders would come and trade their Halloween goods. The traders at this year? market is me, my sister, and my wise brother. I was still rather new to the market and I didn't really know what was good and what wasn't so I I frequently asked my older siblings what I would like and what I wouldn´t. ¨Hey David? Is this any good?¨ I asked, holding out a Snickers bar, like a bar of gold.

¨Oh you wouldn't like that, it's sour! Sour things are nasty!¨ He spoke with a lucrative smile.
¨Okay! Would you like it then?¨

I stuck my hand out with the candy bar in it, and soon weeded out all of the Snickers bar from my collection bag. And, advice from my brother continued on, and so did the steady stream of candy from my collection that I never had before, not once did I second guess his words and actually tried try a piece for myself. It seemed weird to me that almost all of my candy wasn’t good apparently...


Its was late now, the sky turned to was darkness. We were still was in silence while my brother arrived tense at his friend’s house. “Stay here and don’t touch a damn thing or I will break you!”
I nodded and agreed in silence. And in fear...


Sumer’s nightfall. The only thing more powerful than kings was parents.
Meal time was well over. My parents finally returned home, I was oddly happy to see them, as the burning in my mouth still resonated slightly, reminding me. My parents noticed my tear marks on my face from crying. “Why do you look sad? What’s wrong?” My mother asked.
“David gave me these really really hot Cheez-its and it made my mouth burn”
“Did you drink any milk to help it?” My father asked.
“No ‘cause David says if you drink anything it makes it hotter and I didn’t want to make it any hotter so I didn’t drink anything.”
My mother looked shocked, but I didn’t know why. “He shouldn’t of done this to you. And you shouldn’t of let him.”
I was puzzled by her words. He did something mean to me? I could of done something about it?...


Time passed on. My brother returned to his car. I was mad now, I still have homework to do. I was tired of him using me. Abusing me. I finally said broke the silence. “Take me home.” I muttered.

“I said ‘take me HOME!’” Getting louder now.
“I’ll take you home,” He smirked. “Eventually.”

I snapped. “Shut the f*** up, David! Just take me home already! I’m sick and tired of you taking advantage of me because I’m gullible and I trusted you too much. You know what? I just realized something. I never really had a brother, you hardly even count as one! Ha! How does that make you feel that you’re not even a brother to me?”

He was still and in silence, but his face was red. “...Get out of my car… Now!”
So I did just that…


Walking home from wherever David kicked me out at, I started to think about why things were the way they were. And part of it was my fault, I let him do this to me. I was gullible to listen to him and trust him 100%. After a little while of thinking, I realized that I didn’t have a brother, a person who is there for me, who treats me well… that wasn’t my brother… that was the brother I never had.

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