300 game | Teen Ink

300 game

November 11, 2015
By Anonymous

On April 30, 2013 it was a Tuesday- a rainy, gloomy, and then sun peering from behind the clouds Tuesday. Tuesdays were always league day for bowling out in Flint. Besides the afternoon crazy cats and dogs downpour it was just like every other Tuesday. My friend Jacob, sister, and I got there and slowly made our way into the alley, trotting up to the counter. 

“Hi Sam, Stephanie.” The person behind the counter greeted us with a soft smile. I glanced down at the lane assignment sheet as I gave the person a 20. He accepted it with a bright and happy “Thanks!”

“We’re on 17 & 18.” I told my sister directing towards Jacob and me. I knew she was on the other side of the alley. She nodded not saying much and I brought my bag down to the lane and started putting my shoes on slowly one foot at a time. Every Tuesday I bowled on the lane with my two best friends of the time--Jacob and Kalee-- they always made me smile and laugh at dumb jokes which tended to keep me happy, and being happy always seemed to make me bowl better.


When 6:00 struck practice started and I began throwing my black and red  ‘Tropical Breeze’ bowling ball. Since it was just league I never took it too seriously, the fact that I didn’t have to be perfect or strive towards winning made it that way. I still tried and put effort into how I was bowling but I just had fun with it. I threw a couple balls to get a feel of what I was doing and by the time I felt comfortable practice was over. I bowled the first frame rolling it just in the right spot for it to hook into the pins watching them tumble over one another for a strike that made me feel joy. I walked back with a little smile and high fived Jacob and Kalee with a “Thank you!” With only being 13 at this time I just made jokes, the type of jokes that older people never understand how it’s amusing and think is beneath them. On this particular day I seemed to be having more fun than usual my mind being in the clouds and not coming down. I was barely even focused on my bowling or the concept of bowling at all as I was just laughing with my friends. As Jacob proceeded to bowl Kalee and I chanted, “Roll the ball down the lane.” We sang with a sense of laughter that only we understood. However, by doing such a childish act it made my mind less at ease. So by the time it was the 4th frame I had all strikes and it still wasn’t phasing me. I stepped up in the 5th frame and did what I had been watching my feet, mark and-- after my four steps--the ball glide into the pins with a tipping, toppling, tumble that turned into a strike. By the time I has six strikes in a row I made the realization that I could achieve my goal of bowling a 300. I realized that for however long the moment lasted, I could be perfect.

My legs turned to jelly and I took small breaths to relax my heart rate.

“It’s not even that many.” Jacob stated to me. I took it as I didn’t have that many strikes in a row at this time. Feeling infuriated I shook it off and decided to play cool.

“Yeah I know.” I blushed. I didn’t want to admit to him what I was feeling. I watched Kalee finish her frame and put my hand out for her to high five, attempting to distract myself from the prior conversation.

I stepped up for the 7th frame with my jelly legs and all and threw it in the exact place I’d been standing--21 board throwing to board 9--and watched the pins crumple like paper when wadded into a ball. I did the same for frames 8 and 9.

“Nice strike.” Kalee quietly spoke holding her hand out for a high five, none of us were very vocal anymore. My nerves held me from talking in fear I may jinx things.

“Thank you!” I smiled hugely slapping my hand against hers.”  I was ready to accomplish my long term goal. My jelly legs were becoming as syrup now; holding figure on the outside but inside filled with extreme nerve. All I kept thinking to myself was that I had to do it and that I could do it, I gave myself confidence that I needed instead of tearing myself down.

The 10th frame is when it became noticeable for others and they came down to watch and support me. I took my Tropical Breeze and even though I couldn’t feel my legs moving I moved them in four steps and released my ball-shaking- watching it dance down the lane for a strike. The nerves weren’t stopping though they just progressively grew to the point where I felt as if my body forgot about gravitational laws. At this point everybody was watching me, and my sister had ran from the other side of the alley to make sure she was first in line. She had a look like I had just been murdered.

I took the ball into my hands for the 11th time now and took deep breaths. I had to reach my goal, I don’t get opportunities where I’m this close very often. The ball slid it's way down the alley giving me my 11th strike. Now instead of feeling weightless it was if I was a ghost. The laws of gravity no longer applied to me. My body was filled with nerves and I could feel my heartbeat all throughout my body. Of course my ball was stuck though only making my nerves worse.

“Ball on 18.” A person gestured over to the counter.

“Take your time.” My sister spoke. By the time the ball got back more time had passed then what I would’ve liked. I was so nervous you could’ve compared me to Piglet and I would’ve understood why. It was time for me to finish, to be perfect, to finish with a 300 game.

I took more than one deep breath. “You got this, take the opportunity.” I kept repeating to myself, preparing myself for only the best, with my mind not even focused on the worst. I couldn’t feel my body but I took my four steps and released the ball the same way, I was so nervous that I couldn’t even hold my position.

“Come on ball!” Everybody chanted as I watched the ball roll into the pins watching them tumble over one another for my 12th strike. You could hear the sounds of  loud slap, claps and loud YAH’S!  All my nerves came out through my eyes as my sister ran to give me a hug. I could still hear a strong chant of claps as I had just achieved my goal- a 300- a perfect game.

“How old are you?” A man asked. I replied by telling him 13 as a smile stayed on my face from ear to ear. I was perfection. I proceeded by going to go hug Kalee.

  “I'm so proud of you!” she told me with tears in her eyes, I wrapped both my arms around her tightly.

“I can't believe I did it.” I spoke out of breath, smiling larger than I had been yet today. She told me congratulations again with another hug as I went to hug a bunch of others that had watched and supported me. Each gave me comments that varied from "Good Job!", "Congrats!" and "Nice job!" many commented on how I was only 13 and each one I gave a personal thanks too. I hugged Jacob lastly.

“I'm very proud of you!" He also insisted, I gave him a thank you and embraced him in a hug.

The whole day I couldn’t stop telling myself that I did it and it was now time to set a new goal. From my realization of being perfect I now embrace my achievements more in the moment. From the moment of realization where I could be perfect I kept progressing with each more strike so that I was perfect.

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