Don't impress the boys | Teen Ink

Don't impress the boys

November 12, 2015
By kristiemarie BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
kristiemarie BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a hot day and i thought i would go out of my way to try to look cool for boys

Chapter 1: How it all happened

I am 16 years old, let's start off with that.
      I don't know who I am, or even who I want to be. I don't know if I will get married I don’t know what I want to be when I am older. I don’t know if I will accomplish my dreams and goals. Don't get me wrong, I do know something about myself though, and that is that I have a drive to pursue things like you wouldn't believe. And I have a crazy love for day hiking, and an odd love for running. I am also very accident prone and that is known more openly with the public.
I break a lot of bones. When I say a lot, I mean it.        By the age 16 I have already broke 16 bones.
The good thing besides all my cool casts, and becoming way too close to my Physical Therapist and Surgeon, is all the  lessons I have learned from all of these broken, shattered bones, torn tendons, and  sliced and burned hands. That lesson to not take the little things in life for granted. The things that we rarely think about until they are ripped out of our ability. Such as using your hands to lift food to your mouth or  even just moving your leg an inch off the ground.
The street in a neighborhood during a hot summer day was consumed by a scene of a girl stuck in the middle of the heat unable to move.
That girl was me, age 13.
I was the average tween consumed by the male attention and what else cooler could I do to get their attention then zoom by on a long board like bad ass? So, that is exactly what I did. I was in my new tight Hollister  skinny jeans I had bought the day before while school shopping and my new dark blue flip flops. And my face was plastered with makeup to try to attract the boys.
Which, I will advise right now to never wear flip flops while long boarding & skateboarding of any type. Also never try to be someone else to get someone's attention.
So continuing with how I tried to impress the boys, I got the nerves to go down the massive hill where I planned to stop halfway, because at the end of this large hill there was a dirt road. I never really thought about how I would stop, but I knew somehow I would,  so on I went. The two boys were in my sight, as I continued going faster and faster. My heart racing from my speed but a lot because, well, boys. As I sped by they yelled something faint.  I craned my neck, asking  “What?” but in my head thinking “HEY YOU NOTICED ME! THIS WORKED! LOOK HOW COOL I AM!” 
(By the way, they yelled “You're going to die.”) 
But, while this exact moment was going on, I tried to stop. The universe placed a large crack under my front wheel. So with this mad equation of all these evil variables equals my front wheel getting stuck in the crack, my flip flops not being able to stick to my board, my head being c***ed sideways not knowing what was even going on. The next thing I know my knee kissed, actually, more like made out with the concrete. My head, while helmet less, decided to join in on the fun and collided on the concrete just as hard as my knees had.I could give you a graphic, detailed play by play of everything that happened in the next 10 seconds but that wouldn't be accurate because in all honesty, I blacked out.
I woke up in the middle of the road and looked down at myself. To my surprise, nothing looked injured.But when I tried to stand, I realized in fact that I was not okay and definitely broke my leg. My knee was moved up about 4 inches higher than my other and my bone was sticking out like trash ripping through the thin plastic of a garbage bag. Except my jeans were the bag, and my leg was the trash. Thoughts ran through my head once I fell back down in pain.. First, I needed to call my friends I was going to hang out with and let them know
“Hey.. I can’t come because I’m pretty sure I just shattered my leg.”
They answered “Okay” and hung up.
Second, I realized that I was in the middle of a road. A busy road. Third, my prey I failed to attract, the boys who moments ago told me I was going to die, happened to disappear without a trace. So I used my little cheerleader arms to pull myself to the side of the road, and I realized cheer leading did nothing to assist me in my endeavors to pull my broken, injured body to the side of a busy road..  By this time my head was drunk, completely wasted from making out with the cement and my body was reacting the same but, I didn't feel like getting hit by a car too so I drug my limp leg across the road to my finish line.
Thankfully, my heart was still beating, and the only way I knew that was by the throbbing through my leg. Still in shock, my memory is shaky but I realized something. Never in my life have I told my body to do something and it yelled “NO!’ right back in my face. I realized I couldn't run, I couldn't walk, I couldn't stand, I couldn't move at all. It was as my leg wasn't alive, just a dead memory of one whom I relied on, taken away from me in a instant. I realized how vulnerable that I was, and until then had never felt that way.
What came out of that incident was four years of recovery and 3 surgery's to get myself back to 100%. I am now stronger than ever. I know that i am resilient and I know that the things that I take advantage of every day are the most precious things I have.

The author's comments:

here you can read the triumph of a young girl you sacrifces everything to imopress stupid boys.

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