Wrestling Tournaments | Teen Ink

Wrestling Tournaments

November 11, 2015
By Anonymous

On Monday, December 3rd, 2014 I started training for a wrestling tournament that was on the following weekend. At the beginning of the week I had a lot of work to do but I started training and practicing. I kept working hard all throughout the week and I could see and feel my moves getting quicker and smoother. By friday I had become more than confident in myself. The next morning we headed to the high school to go weigh in and get warmed up. I started to get a little nervous as we came closer and closer to the start of the tournament. About a half hour later I started my first match and was really nervous but I went out their cocky and confident, the kid was awful and i pinned him in exactly twenty-two seconds. From then on I didn't lose a single match but the kids kept getting tougher to beat. Every match became a harder and harder battle, then came the championship match, I was wrestling against a one hundred forty five pound kid from Waterford Kettering. “Shake hands, and wrestle”! First I shot a double leg and took him down and was up two to zero, but the kid hit a granby and reversed me and then it was tied, then we went neutral and he attempted a double leg but I noticed his head was down and I realized right then; that was my chance to pin him. So I wrapped my arm around his head and chin whipped him him as hard as I could, throwing him on his back, one..two..three pin! I had beaten the kid and won the tournament. I realized that day, if I worked hard enough in practice everyday I could win more tournaments. So from then on, I was hitting more double legs and single leg sweeps. Until I perfected the moves and started to win more tournaments

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece was to show how working hard can lead to success. 

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