The Night I Almost Got Away With It. | Teen Ink

The Night I Almost Got Away With It.

November 13, 2015
By Anonymous

It was a dark July night. The air was hot and humid, like it was every night in Florida. You could taste the salt in the air from the ocean and you could see the beautiful moon dance on the water, almost like a ballerina. *BANG* Fireworks were still going off from the fourth of July. They were gorgeous, there was blue, red, white, pink, purple, any other color you could think of was in the air that night. I thought it was going to be a great night, boy was I wrong.

A big group of us, including my cousins Tanner, Kaley, Kyra, my best friend Taylor, and myself, met up that night. We met in town. It was silent for a while. Everyone just looked at each other all awkwardly not knowing what to say. Finally Blake asked, “So we just gonna stand here or wha? Cuz i’m ready to have fun!”

“I say we jump off the bridge!” Trent exclaimed.
“You're crazy if you think i’m jumping off any bridge!” Kyra said with almost a shake in her voice.
“Let’s race!” Tanner said, with almost an evil like smile.
“I’m down!” Yelled trent.
“Let’s do it!” Kaley and I yelled together.
“Hell yeah!” Blake screamed.

We decided to start at the stop sign in the middle of town, and go to the stop sign right outside of town and back. Once everyone agreed we got on a golf cart and lined up. Kaley, Taylor, and I got on with Tanner. Kyra with Taylor's sister, and everyone else on their own.

There was about 5 golf carts lined up to race. “GO!” someone yelled. We were off. Our golf cart was in first, it was like a cheetah. The group of boys next to  us yells, “Where we goin again?”  “To the stop sign and back!” Taylor, Kaley, and I all yell back.

We got to the stop sign and Tanner started to turn. “OH SH*T!!!!” Tanner yells with terror in his voice. I had no idea what was happening. All of a sudden everything was black. I could hear everyone screaming but I didn't know why.I thought I had died.It took a little bit for me to realize what happend, but I still couldn’t put it all together. Blake grabbed me off the ground and just held me for a few seconds. “You okay Em?” He asked. Still kinda unaware of what happened I answered “ Um yeah I think…” I stopped mid sentence, and just looked around,  “Where’s Kaley! Where’s Taylor!They're dead aren’t they!” ” Then I saw trent helping Taylor up from the ground.

“Tay you okay? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” I ask her.
“Yeah i’m okay”. She says trying not to cry.

I could see kaley trying to get up, I was relieved that she was okay, or so I
thought. All of a sudden Kaley started to scream. “IT’S ON MY FOOT! IT’S ON MY FOOT! GUY’S IT’S ON MY FREAKIN FOOT!!!”

I tried to run to Kaley but fell straight to the ground. Blake help me up and took me over to Kalye. Tanner and some of the other boys helped pick the golf cart up, and one of the other boys and I helped kaley from off the ground.  Kaley wrapped her arms around me and started to cry, she didn’t really know what happened all she really knew was that she was scared out of her mind. “You okay?” One of the boys asked. Kaley stopped crying, turned around and responded, “Yeah i’m fine, I just need to walk it off. Come here Em help me walk.” Me on one side one of the boys on the other helped Kaley try and walk it off. When she started to put pressure on it she squeezed my hand so hard I thought she was going to break it. I knew she was in pain but since there were boys around she wasn't going to cry. We walked her over to the tables so she could sit down and because there was some light over there so we could check ourselves out, and make sure we were ok.

Taylor’s elbow and arm were all bloody and scraped up. My head and stomach/legs were bleeding, and I had a bump on my head. Kaley had a giant bump on her head, almost as big as a baseball. Her leg was scraped from her knee to her ankle, it was bleeding, and was already swollen and bruised

Everyone was freaking out about all of us, but mostly Kaley. I was freaking out about Kaley’s head, I knew her foot was messed up and there was nothing I could do about it, but her head on the other hand. I’ve had multiple concussions in the past so I kinda knew what to do, and i’ve seen so many grey's anatomy's that Derek Shepherd’s voice was going on a loop in my head. I walked over to kaley, turned my flashlight on my phone on and shined it in her eyes, to see if her pupils were dilated. She was fine so I figured she didn't have a concussion.

“Guy’s were about to be in so much trouble when we get home”. Tanner says.

“No we won't. We’ll be fine”. Kaley replies.
“Yes we will Kay! Were all hurt. Our parents will be so mad at us and you know it!” I yell back.
“WE WILL BE FINE!” She screams back.
“How do you know?” Taylor asks very confused.
“We lie! We tell everyone I fell down the stairs K?”
“I’m not lying to mom!” Kaley’s sister kyra responds.

“Kyra you either lie or you lie that’s our only option. We are not telling them that we were messing around and we flipped a golf cart that just so happened to land on me! Got it!” Kaley says very angry.

“Whatever”. Kyra says while rolling her eyes.

“So everyone’s on board We’ll tell everyone I fell down the stairs”. Kaley asked making sure everyone was on board.

“Fine, Okay, I guess, Whatever.” No one was really on board but we didn’t have a choice. None of us wanted to get in trouble, so we decided to tell the parents she fell down the stairs.

The next morning Kaley’s ankle was no longer swollen, but it was badly bruised and scraped. It honestly looked like she just fell down the stairs. Kaley went to stand up and fell down on the bed. Her ankle was all stiff from not moving it when she was sleeping, so she needed Taylor’s and my help. As we headed down the spiral staircase my parents and Kaley’s mom gave us that look. The look of what the heck did you dummies do!? Kaley hobbled to the sofa and flopped down like shamo going back to the oceans. “What did you do?” Kaley’s mom asks almost worry, but not quite.

“I fell down the stairs last night…”

“Of course you did you dumb***!” My dad says sarcastically.

“Leave it up to Kaley to fall down the stairs!” My mom says while laughing.

After a little bit we were left alone. “Wow I can’t believe we got away with that. ”Taylor says surprised.

“Well it is Kaley, she would be the one to fall down the stairs, so it's not that hard to believe.” I say while laughing.

We honestly thought we got away with it, but about a week later everything went downhill….

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