The Shadows Of Pride. | Teen Ink

The Shadows Of Pride.

December 2, 2015
By xXVXxIxXVXx BRONZE, Sacramento, California
xXVXxIxXVXx BRONZE, Sacramento, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Shadows of Pride, how something so simple can change everything. This journey of so called “life”. Influenced by even the smallest of Trials & Tribulations. The journey I’ve undergone, the paths & crossroads I have taken have put me here. But do I like “here”? Should I have dated her? Should I have talked to him? These are my choices that put me here. Should I regret these choices, these… decisions? Or was the journey the journey happier and more joyous than the destination? And while life is an excuse to prevent true success, this shadow isn’t of pride. This shadow is success! So as I walk through this existence am I determined to be a shadow of success, or am I destined to be a shadow of forgotten pride. Regardless of the fate that has been set for me I know this much. While the Standards & Stipulations are set for failure. This shadow will forge its own path through fire or blood. The determination of this shadow is strong. Willing to fight for the success it wants. That is why this shadow is me.

The author's comments:

I hope that after Reading this Piece that you change your outlook on life in a positive manner. Because like Mama always said, " Someone somewhere is having it worse."

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