My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

November 16, 2015
By hannamcclellan BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
hannamcclellan BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Summer 2005 had just started and that means I get to spend all my time with my best friend. My best friend always made me smile, I never minded waking up at six in the morning every summer day to go get dropped off to spend the day with him. We would ride our bikes up to the store and get lotto tickets, the counter man even knew my sister and I by name. When we would get back to his house in order to open the garage door he told us we had to scrunch our noses, of course, we believed him and we thought we were magical. We would get Wendy’s and eat as we watched planes come in and take off at the airport in Waterford. It might not sound fun, but it's one of the best memories I have with him even though we weren't doing much, the amount of fun we had was indescribable. At the same time everyday my grandma would get home from work and to greet her we would be sitting on the porch, and as she pulled up the driveway we would be waving frantically while eating ice cream, everyday we would do this. Our mom used to explain to Alex and I how we would come home smelling like old spice, because we would  fall asleep on my grandpa during the day. Alex and I would lay with him until we fell asleep, then he would sneak his arms from our grasp to go out into the living room for some alone time. It was never for long, because after he got up we would realize he was missing and we would go run out to him. He never seemed to mind the little alone time he got. We also used to play baseball in the backyard, I give him all credit for how strong my love for the game is because he taught me how to play. He is the sole reason I still play softball to this day. Even the smallest things we did made the biggest impact on me.

We used to do everything, even just sit around and listen to music. Certain songs still make me think about him like “ Long Black Train” by Josh Turner, not because of what the lyrics say, but because I was having fun with him when I first heard the song. He owned a ‘76 Plymouth Valiant; He loved that car it was like another kid to him with its black leather interior with no scuffs or signs of damage, the chrome ashtrays in door handles glistened. With the body of the car a metallic green paint that is absolutely breathtaking. He used to take us to car shows in his car, Reflecting back it probably looked really weird with a car seat in the back of an antique but he didn't mind, my sister and I loved going to his car shows! He would always win! At least it seemed that way to us.

    My grandpa remains the most important person to me he was my best friend, The day he died I still remember perfectly. It was Spring 2007; I was eight years old and in gymnastics -- doing a dead man’s hang-- when a man came into get me. He told me someone in my family was very sick… So what Alex is sick? Why do I have to leave early because my sister is sick? When I got in the car with my dad I asked him what was going on that's when he told me that my grandpa was sick. My stomach dropped. No this isn't possible my papa is never sick, he’s strong, he's gonna be just fine, he has to be… I need him. The rest of the car ride was silent I didn't know if I should scream or cry, As soon as we got there I ran in and I noticed mom was crying, everyone was crying. Should I be crying too? I love him just as much if not more than everyone else here but I feel as tho it would let him down if I started crying. He would want me to be strong for him. No one would let me into the room to see him and I don't know why, he’s my best friend. “ He wouldn't want you to see him like this honey” my grandma stuttered to me. Everyone else is going in to see him why can’t I? I don’t recall hearing him say he wouldn’t want to me to see him. Hours went by so slowly it felt like years without any sign of any information or news on how he was doing, all of a sudden everyone turns around my papa! he’s coming!.. But not on his own, that is all I see before I was spun around by my mother. What was that for?! Are you kidding me?!  All I want is to see him, why won't anyone let me see him this isn’t fair? It was within the next thirty minutes a man came into our waiting room, He was tall and he appeared to be bigger and stronger than most the other people working in the hospital. What he warned next still rings in my head today. “I'm sorry, He did not make it.”

   He never seemed sad around us. We never heard about the time he spent in the Navy or about when he had cancer. I used to think a lot about some reasons why he wouldn’t want to tell us about all of the challenges he faced, I now believe he never told us any of his rough times because he was trying to protect us from the real world. He wanted us to grow up experiencing a fun childhood that was not corrupted by the world around us. My grandpa made me who I am today there is no question he had a heavy influence on me all in a good way, He never let Alex and I have a bad day, always making us happy by putting good memories in our heads. I will never know if he was having as much fun as we were, but he never showed much emotion besides happiness. Because I realized this, I have started to appreciate the people in my life because I learned the hard way that no one is here forever. Even though he is gone, he is with me more than ever. I would never trade any memories I have with him for the world. He will always be my best friend and I am forever grateful for everything he gave me. The day my grandpa passed away was the best time to learn a lesson, it was the worst time to lose a friend.

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