A Horror Movie Kind of Day | Teen Ink

A Horror Movie Kind of Day

December 8, 2015
By Anonymous

Everything seemed wrong that day, from the moment I woke up until I rested my head on the pillow. It all started when I got out of bed and headed downstairs to get some coffee on the kitchen. The mugs were on the top shelf so I lifted my left arm and stretched my body to get one instantly felt a horrible pain in my left breast. It was something I had felt before but it hurt more than the other times, I waited until noon but the pain would not go away I would try laying down in all different positions and every single one seemed worst than the one before. I told my mom it was hurting and asked for medicine- keep in mind I am one that hates having to have medicine, I only do so in extreme situations.- but she told me we had to see the doctors. As a typical teenager I thought it was nothing and it was nonsense going to the doctors. As the hours went by the pain did not it grew bigger and bigger until I felt like it consumed me. It was still there so I touched the part that was hurting the most. I felt a sphere kind of form inside my breast. Automatically I thought the worst, Is it possible that at only 15 I have breast cancer? I was mortified, so so scared with the idea that in the blink of an eye my life could change forever, and just the thought of it gave me nightmares I started thinking that I could not die. I had dreams to chase and family.

Later that day I got in the car and headed to the medical center were I was going to have my examination. As we parked the car, fear of the results consumed me but I had promised to stay strong. My mom was friends with the doctor and before my examination she told her that the chance of being cancer was high, by that time my mom was praying and I was just thinking how badly would life change for me after I get out of this hospital I was not even thinking positively. 15 minutes went by and we were called inside the examination room were they were all ready to start. I prayed and asked for gods blessing, I told him I was not ready to give up in life that there was still something there for me and that my path was long long long away from the end. I told him I would be a better person if only he gave me a healthy life, a disease free one. I laid on the big chair with giant machines surrounding it, it was a dark room filled with so many emotions. I felt anxious, scared but the moment I sited on the chair I felt safe. I felt like everything was going to be okay, and just that. She prepared me for the examinations, put gel on my skin and started, I closed my eyes and believed in the voice inside my head that was telling me everything would be fine. My heart was beating so fast it was almost like I could taste the beat. Soon after, the doctor looked at me with a big smile on her face and told me I did not have cancer. It was just a very big cyst that would disappear with medicine.

I never felt so alive and never had I ever value a moment like I valued that one. I felt like I could do anything, my destiny was on my hands! Only I could control it, I could follow my dreams not having to worry about not being healthy. I stopped and thought; yesterday everything was the same as today. I realized how such a frightening experience made me give life such a precious value. Every moment from than on was kept in my heart pondered with so much love. I never felt so powerful.

Once you go thorough such a life changing experience you understand the importance of valuing life and making sure you are going after your dreams because you never know what tomorrow may bring you. Life is a box of surprises and not all of them are good ones, however in the long run we have been presented with so many outstanding blessings, that have the power to out-do the bad experiences. The biggest thing this experience has thought me was to follow my dreams and make me understand that I am the owner of my own path and that in order to pursue what I want I only need to trace my path.

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