Family Vacation | Teen Ink

Family Vacation

January 18, 2016
By Anonymous

“I can’t wait”, I screamed as I climb into the backseat of my dad’s 2008 Suburban. With my excitement clawing my insides like a caged tiger in the zoo. I was excited for my family trip down to the Outer Banks where I will see my whole family. I described everything that I wanted to do during my vacation, listing the places I wanted to go and the things I wanted to see with the family members I didn’t see often. On and on I talked that I barely realized the car inching miles and miles closer to our destination.

When we got to the newly rented beach house I jumped out of the car. Looking up, I look at the vivid sign hanging directly above the Garage. Mango Beach it read. Running through the front door I saw the new scene in which I would be spending the next weekend. As if I was in a maze I wandered down each and every hallway and up every stairs. Exploring till my first night in my part-time home

Early next morning I woke up to the smell of Bacon and Eggs. As I walk up the stairs and make a beeline towards the kitchen. The aroma of breakfast smelled as good as it tasted. Later that day my family arrives. My aunt and uncle and my 4 cousins from Canada and my aunt and uncle and cousin from Georgia arrive. As I greet each one of them I become excited for the fun times we’re about to have.

We start the day off by heading to the beach. When we arrive I see how big the waves are. I hit the waves with two of my cousins. We grab our boogie-boards and start boogie boarding. After many waves, I see a big wave. Never before had I seen a wave as perfect as that one. And as I ready myself I get ready to ride this wave to the shore. I hit the wave perfectly and ride all the way to the shore. Ending the day with the perfect wave.

The next morning we split up. The girls went shopping and the guys went fishing. As my Dad drives all of us in his Suburban we arrive at the fishing spot. As I cast my line out I wait and wait and wait. When it seems none of us would catch anything my cousin feels something on his line. He reels it in slowly and slowly and finally he pulls it up. To our surprise it was just a crab. But he walked away knowing he caught something.

Later that day we went toward Kitty Hawk. Driving down to the southern part of the Island we arrive at the Wright Brothers Memorial. As we walk towards the statue. I gaze upon the impressive memorial that stands atop the hill. Later we head towards the Sand Dunes and climb the Sandy Hill. Looking over we could see the Sound and the Ocean. And I never forgot the view.

That evening we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. As I climbed into the back seat of the crowded car. I thought of everything that happened that weekend. The good… the bad… and the special little moments the made up my vacation. To this day I still remember the good times I had with my family and I hope to one day do it again.

The author's comments:

I worked really hard on this piece

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