Things Change | Teen Ink

Things Change

January 18, 2016
By Samstone18 BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
Samstone18 BRONZE, Richmond, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My life has changed. I remember how I used to really be into history and didn't care about sports what so ever. I remember how that changed. I remember how I used to not care how I looked and what I wore, I remember how that changed. I remember my first day of kindergarten and I remember my first day of highschool.

In second grade, my best friend was Ben, a big kid with short hair. We both had an interest in history, especially World War II. That was our bond, that was what made us best friends. Every recess we would play war, we would use the playground as base, the swings as planes, and the field for the battle ground. We ran across the field yelling and pretending we were getting shot at. Sometimes we had like six others kids play with us, which made things much more fun.

The next year, in third grade, I discovered I had an interest in sports. What really intrigued me was football, more so than basketball. We would play 3v3 everyday, it was a lot of fun. I would always be with my friends Zach and Ben. We dominated every game. I would always be wide receiver alongside Zach and Ben was quarterback. We were the perfect combination. Ben called a play, I ran as fast I could towards the end zone and Ben hits me with a perfect pass in stride, I outrun the other kids and score.

I remember my first day of middle school, driving down the massive driveway that goes over the big dam past the big lake. I remember walking up to the big entrance to the school, being a nervous wreck. I remember walking through the doors, seeing all the other kids with their grocery bags holding their school supplies. I especially remember seeing the eighth graders, they were much bigger than me, but lucky for me they knew me from elementary school, and I was thankful I was one of their favorites. I remember who I wanted to be friends with and honestly I didn't care about self image at all.

When I became an eighth grader, I felt like a god amongst the puny sixth graders. I felt like, me and my buds ruled the place. Something about eighth grade was different though, I was actually noticed amongst my peers. I became friends with people that I  hadn't talked to all my life until then. I became reunited with old friends from elementary school too. I could tell the year was going to be better even though I had lost one of favorite teachers. One thing that kept me anxious was where would I sit for lunch. I day I found myself sitting with Tyler, Matthew, David, Andrew, Logan, and Zach. They were who I would sit with for the next nine months.

It was my first day of highschool. I was even more nervous then when I started middle school. I knew there was going to be many new people I was going to meet and I was really nervous about it. I had very few classes with people I already knew, but I guess that was a good thing. I didn't  know who I was gonna talk to, or where I would sit during lunch, but one thing I did know it was going to be a new me. In the past, I didn't  care how I dressed or how I looked, but that was different now. I wanted to dress fly and look good. It honestly didn't take that long to get to know people, the camping trip really introduced me to new people, which I’m glad we had.

As the year progresses, i'm really starting to learn the ways of highschool. Im learning who to trust and who to be friends with.  Im learning how to handle homework and tests. Im learning what activities to involve myself in and what to not. Im learning what outfits to where and what things are cool. I’m learning that people can be really childish too... I'm also thinking about what I what sports I want to do next year and I’m thinking about classes I want to take next year. So far, freshman year has been a huge learning experience, but I like it. I think things really changed for me though because I’m maturing and things that didn't matter to me when I was a kid matter a whole lot more now.

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