The Move | Teen Ink

The Move

January 18, 2016
By Ottman99 BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
Ottman99 BRONZE, Midlothian, Virginia
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It all started when my brother and I were playing on our Xbox 360 that we had gotten for Christmas just a couple weeks before. We were playing a game called Halo Reach. Our parents walked into the room and asked us if they could talk to us in the kitchen. We told our friends that we would be right back. We were playing with our best friends, who were Chandler and Joseph. We walked into the kitchen with them and they started talking to us about moving to Virginia. Our parents were talking about how my dad had gotten a new job offer in Virginia that he was going to take. My brother and I thought about it and asked them why would we have to move and what about school and all of our friends here, and lots of other questions about it, such as what are we going to about our friends, our boy scout troop, where we were going to go to school, and how we were going to meet new people and have to talk to new neighbors. They told us that we were moving because our dad is switching jobs and that we would have to move with him. When my brother and I heard this we were not happy at all, we did not want to move to Virginia when all of our friends lived here in Kansas.

Throughout the next couple of weeks and months we had to go around explaining to all of our friends, who we had met at school and cub scouts and other such occasions, that we were moving away to a different state and that we wouldn’t see each other much if any at all. They were that happy, especially since we would be in different time zones and we didn’t really have phones at that time, so we couldn’t stay in touch very well. During spring break that year, we didn’t go to the beach like we usually do, we went and visited our dad who left to work in Virginia early. We got to see our new house and try to meet the other kids on our street and in our neighborhood. Luckily, the kids around us were very nice and often played outside and so we got to meet them and start to become friends with them. After they finished school for the day, they would come out and we would play street hockey, soccer, football, ultimate Frisbee, and other sports that all of us enjoyed. These kids that we had met were very nice and their names were Tyler, Matthew, Dylan, Nate, Jacob, Austin, Alex, and Davis; all of which were very nice and enjoyed all of the same activities that we did.
After spring break was over, we returned to our house in Kansas and we were a little happier, knowing that we would at least have some friends in Virginia when we first moved there. We tried to enjoy the last few weeks that we had with ours friends, and we spend a ton of time with sleepovers and other fun activities. We cherished them a lot, knowing that we wouldn’t see them for a while. When we had to explain to our friends that we were moving to Virginia and that we would not be able to see them much again, they were as disappointed or even more disappointed as we were. Both my brother and I were devastated about leaving. We had cheered up more since we already knew a couple of new people in Virginia.

As the time to move drew closer, we once again said goodbye and we had to pack up all of our things from Kansas and put them into the moving van. At that point we were kind of excited and sad at the same time. After we arrived in Virginia, we greeted our new friends and continued to play with them along the way, also throughout the summer. As our first new school year in Virginia drew close we were very excited to meet new classmates and such.

Overall this event was something very huge in my very uneventful life. It has caused my brother and I to stop and realize how much friends and family mean to you and how most likely you will have to say goodbye to some of them at some point in your life, whether you are moving or they are moving. It is just a good thing to always have a good time with your friends and even your family too. Before we had moved we did not realize how much we were taking friends for granted and that we never would have thought that we would have to move to a different state and have to make new friends.

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