Life Is Not Fair | Teen Ink

Life Is Not Fair

February 1, 2016
By jumpbean BRONZE, Old Town, Maine
jumpbean BRONZE, Old Town, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was like any other night, the cold October air was hitting against my window and the moon was peeking through my curtains. I was yelling at my TV screen for the third time that night for some reason that I have long forgotten. I sigh and pause the game I was playing, open my door, and make my way down the stairs. As I’m walking towards the kitchen I see my mom laying down on the couch, half awake. My mom was a full time student at UMO, had a job, not to mention trying to raise an eleven year old kid. So her being tired was no surprise to me whatsoever. I smile and walk over to her, taking a seat near her. She looks at me with one of her infamous caring smiles.

“You okay mom?” I asked as I looked over to see the TV playing an episode of ‘Friends’. I turn back to her as she nods and clears her throat.

“Yeah, Yeah I’m fine. I’ve just been feeling a little sick.” I just nod and give a slight smile. I get up and grab the white blanket that had been resting on the end of the couch. I drape it over her. I decide to turn off the tv and finally grab what I first came for from the kitchen. I spend the rest of my night in peace.

I later wake to the sounds of yelling and sirens in the distance. I could also hear something coming from down stairs. I hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I quickly get off my bed and look at my door waiting for someone to open it. I started to back up as these footsteps couldn't be my mom's. They were loud as thunder. The door finally opens and I see my older brother standing there. My breath caught in my throat as I take in his appearance. His eyes were red and bloodshot, his hands were shaky. His legs looked rocky and weak,  as he tried to take a step towards me. It scared me to see my older brother in such a state.

“God decided it was time to take mom.” I screamed out and tears poured from my eyes as he pulled me into a very tight hug. I was mad at him for bringing God into the situation but my main focus was on the beeping sound coming from down the stairs. A fireman came through the door and took one good look at me and pity clouded his eyes. My brother let me go and started to talk. They left to let me change out of my pajamas. They were talking about the situation at hand. I put on a pair of jeans and grabbed my winter coat that was in the corner of my room. I opened the door to see the fireman and my brother who were half way down the stairs. I didn't want to stay in this house any longer then I absolutely had too. They took me down a separate set of stairs we had in my house, to save me from the horror of seeing my own mother dead on the couch.  I was already mortified enough for one dreadful day.


My legs felt wobbly, like they were made of jello or I was a newborn learning to walk for the first time. I walked out to see an ambulance and a police cruiser parked across the street. The cold October night hits my face which did not help my tear stricken cheeks.The police didn't think it was murder or anything like that but we might want an autopsy. My brother had originally come over to have a nice dinner and let my mom meet his new girlfriend named Christy. Close family had been there before I had the chance to get out of the house. I didn't want them there, I didn't want them to see me like that. Frankly I just wanted to go back to sleep. I felt mentally and physically drained.  After awhile of bittersweet hugs and depressing talks about my mom, my brother finally told me to get into the car.

I lifted myself into the backseat of my brother’s beat up black truck. I took a deep breath trying to calm myself from the chaos. The smell of cigarettes was evident as my brother is a current smoker and come to find out so is his girlfriend. My brother started up the car and the engine let out a loud roar and started to back out of my childhood home's driveway. I take a quick look towards the ambulance to see the closing of the bright red doors. At that point, I knew life did not play a fair game.

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This article has 2 comments.

Tupperware said...
on Feb. 8 2016 at 9:09 am
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

alou101 said...
on Feb. 8 2016 at 9:05 am
This story is so amazing!!! It felt so real