Observing Invisible | Teen Ink

Observing Invisible

February 2, 2016
By Kymberly BRONZE, Holland, Michigan
Kymberly BRONZE, Holland, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If the door is closed, don't stay behind it and decide whether it's a good idea or not. Push the door open and admire what's behind it.

What if you were to become invisible? Not being seen by others might sound kind of horrid, but really if you think about it.. it could be pretty cool. 

Imagine walking through the halls of your high school and you go towards that group of people you would normally stay a far distance from. Wouldn't you want to know what they're always laughing about? You listen in and find out why the giggles form from the girls and the burts of low laughs from the guys. You don't think it's very funny though, so you continue walking. 

You see your group of friends. You want to know what they talk about when you're not around. Is it about you? Or some inside joke they share. It's an inside joke, until someone asks where you are. 

"I don't know, and I don't care." One of your close friends snaps. You feel a little hurt, but you shrug it off because she could be joking. 

"She's kind of annoying. Super stubborn." 

"Hey no she's not, you're stubborn. And you're always in a bad mood." One of your guy friends stands up for you. You smile, even though it can't be seen. 

Peering through the crowded halls you see your crush. You hesitate, but then you remember you're invisible so you are free to approach. You stand and join the circle of laughing guys. 

"Did you ask her to the dumb winter dance thing yet?" 

"What girl?"

"You know." 

You're not sure who they're talking about and you're afraid it's not you, so you leave. 

But then you start to notice other things besides other's conversations. You notice the tension between people and their actions. 

A group of guys stand in a corner and a girl approaches, making one of the guys shift around, almost like he's nervous. He has a crush. Either that or he has to pee really bad.

You shift your eyes to the left a little and see a group of girls and guys sitting on the stairs. They're laughing and talking, but one of the guys is looking down at the ground, hands in lap. He looks sad. 

You take a seat next to him and smile. He doesn't look up or return a smile so you think he's being rude. But then you remember, once again. He can't see you. Snapping your fingers you regain visibility and the boy turns to you. You've never seen him before, but you can really tell something's up. You proceed to ask what's wrong, and you have a conversation, finding out, someone you didn't know is actually pretty cool. 

You don't have to be invisible to observe the world around you. All you have to do is pay attention. Look away from your phone, step aside from your friends, save your paper for later, and look around. 

Who knows, you could see more how society functions, and how it plays out. 

It's observing invisible. 

The author's comments:

I began to pay attention more to the things around me. Seeing peoples movement, listening to others conversations (even though it's rude) you begin to learn something, and respond to others in a way you normally wouldn't. You make friends this way. 

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