A Helping Hand | Teen Ink

A Helping Hand

January 27, 2016
By msm33 BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
msm33 BRONZE, Monterrey, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One day my dad came rushing into my house and told us that a big hurricane was going to hit Monterrey and everyone had to take precaution. Is this the reason why our cat moved her kittens to the laundry room a few days ago? I hadn’t taken this seriously because it didn’t make sense how the cat could actually see this coming, even before the weather forecast news team could announce the upcoming natural disaster on TV. Later on that night, black clouds starting grouping like a bunch of angry elephants. At first, the rain slowly poured down but as the night grew darker, the incessant rain grew stronger and more ferocious. Soon we all heard something crack on the other side of the street, and in the following minute I saw water pouring out of a house, taking everything with it. A big river formed in front of our house: we were stuck. People panicked and all I could see were large washing machines, big rocks, toys, clothes floating down. At one point our neighbors who tried crossing this deadly current, slipped and fell into this unstoppable river screaming for help. I felt so helpless that this day had become a living nightmare. Flashes of bad images were popping into my head about what would happen to us. The rain was so powerful it teared the road apart. I have never seen this before, I just stood looking through the front door paralyzed at this unbearable sight. After some time there was a knock on the door. It was the military.

“Grab all of your belongings and leave right now or this mountain could possibly collapse!” One of the militants said it in a very deep voice.

My family and I grabbed everything we could and left the house immediately. But my mother couldn’t get her shoes so she just took some slippers. But as we were walking down what's left of the street, the water current grabbed one of her slippers away from my mother’s foot. Soon after, the river took the other slipper, forcing my mother to walk barefoot. She was moaning as she walked through the sharp rocks and the broken road. I knew I had to do something, so I grabbed my mom’s hand and tried to lift her up, comforting her so she doesn’t think about the pointy rocks. At that moment she just smiled at me and it reminded me how my mother is like an eye of a hurricane where it is calm and comforting. Amidst all these problems and nightmares, she was always there for me, just as I was for her at this moment. This sudden surge of happiness and joy filled me, knowing that my mother will always be there for me. As we continued to walk down even further, I stopped and hugged her with all the strength I could. Sometimes the most horrific events show you the importance of those who are willing to stick by your side through rough times.

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