I Believe in the Importance of Good Family Relationships | Teen Ink

I Believe in the Importance of Good Family Relationships

February 12, 2016
By Anonymous

My grandmother, on my mom’s side of the family, has Parkinson's Disease. In case you don't know what that is, it’s a disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, often including tremors. Once a week, usually Wednesday, my mom tries to go to her house after work to help her clean, and take care of the things that my grandma is unable to do herself. If i’m not overcrowded with school work I like to go with my mom.

The last time I went was on her birthday. When I walked into her bedroom, where she almost always is, her face lit up like a Christmas tree and she smiled from ear to ear. She greeted me by saying “Syd, you're here!” She was excited to see me, and her mood was instantly uplifted as it is every time I come to visit her along with my mom. I responded by wishing her a happy birthday, helping her get out of her bed, and giving her a hug. She and I made our way out to the kitchen where my mom was setting out the food and mini chocolate cake we picked up for her on the way over.

After the three of us had shared food and laughs, my mom got up and began her routine of cleaning around the house. While my mom bustled about my grandmother broke the silence between us by saying “you have such an amazing mother, you know that, right?” I shook my head up and down in agreeance, but didn’t really give it much thought until after she had said that.

Of course, being a teenage daughter, my mom and I have our arguments and disagreements, but despite the downs we have, I do have a great mom. She is always there for me and encouraging me to do well because she truly does want the best of me and for me to be happy. She’s always telling me to do my best in school, and to worry more about my effort than just the grade I get. Not only is she caring over me, but she is very caring over her mom, my grandma, as well. She is always helping out as much as she can when she visits my grandma.

I believe in the importance of good family relationships because of the healthy support you obtain from them. I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have my mom there for me and I don’t know what my grandma would do if she didn’t have my mom and me there for her. It’s times like those when I realize how much I love and appreciate my family.

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