My Parents' Divorce | Teen Ink

My Parents' Divorce

March 2, 2016
By Anonymous

About 50% of kids witness their parents getting or already got a divorce. Well I am part of the 50%. Being part of the 50% of the kids has its ups and downs. In this paper I will be telling you, why they got divorced, my relationship with my parents, and how I feel about them being divorced.

From when I can remember it was in third grade when my parents would barely talk to each other and when they would they always would yell and fight. We still lived together but my mom had a room downstairs with my brother and me, my dad was upstairs with my sister. I remember I had my grandma and grandpa's phone number memorized because when they got in a fight I was 7 years old and I would try and get in the middle and try to stop them, as my baby brother is sleeping and my sister is in the corner crying. My Grandma and Grandpa would always come to the rescue as the fighting got to a daily bases that my grandma and grandpa had my mom and us kids move into their house. Them splitting had a big impact on my relationship with both my parents.

We are with my mom most of the time, we go to my dad's house every other weekend. Not seeing my dad a lot causes a lot of problems. We don't get along that much, I don't really talk to him, and when we do talk we are usually yelling at each other.We sometimes get along, I don't really stay at his house on the weekends we are there or when I do I almost always have my friend come over.I always try my hardest to get out of going to his house because I don't like his fiancee and her kids, and he spoils my sister and doesn't really talk or do anything with me. I think if my parents were to still be together I think I would have a better relationship with both my parents because I don’t have the best relationship with my mom either.

My relationship with my mom is a lot better than the relationship with my dad. I feel like I can actually talk to my mom about a lot of different things.It took awhile for me to feel comfortable talking about my mom to my mom.  My mom and me spend way more time together then she spends with my other siblings, we go shopping a lot and I love spending time with my mom. I know I can talk to my mom about things but it's sometimes hard to bring things up to talk about.

If I could choose if my parents were together or not I would chose for them to be apart, because I don't want to listen to all the fighting even though my mom and her husband Dale fight a lot, it's different when they fight though because they forgive each other a couple hours later. I love having Dale has our step dad he does a lot with and for us kids. With my dad I wish that he would not get married to Jamie, because I don't really like her that much. When my dad and Jamie first started dating which was when i was in 3rd grade but we didn't talk, it was an on and off relationship. In 5th grade they were together and they moved in together, we lived in Zumbrota, she was always a jerk to us kids, she treated us like crap. Since then I haven't liked her and I have gave her a 2nd chance and a 3rd chance but she does not change. Something I don't really like about them being divorced is that going back and forth between the houses, having to pack for my dad's house since we don't have a lot of clothes there, and the number one thing I hate most about my parents being divorced is when it comes to the holidays and figuring out what days each parent has us on.Even if I had the choice I still wouldn't change my parents being divorced.

In this paper I told you about why my parents got divorced, my relationships with my parents, and how I feel about my parents being divorced. Being in that 50% of kids is sometimes a good thing when all your parents did is fight.

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