Sandy Cheeks | Teen Ink

Sandy Cheeks

March 8, 2016
By HannahGarey BRONZE, Stoughton, Massachusetts
HannahGarey BRONZE, Stoughton, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All my life I’ve been the chubby girl. Although fate has worked out in my favor and given me height to balance all of my weight out, I still struggled to feel confident. Until one day 5 years ago. It was at the beach. My best friend and our families had decided to have a fun girls beach day. My best friend is no twig, though she is not heavy set either. She is just right. We decided the first thing to do would be to dive into the waves.We ran steadily across the rocky sand, and just before we reached the water she said “ Wait! why are still wearing your shirt?” I was embarrassed to admit that I felt shameful because all of my shirt swim suits were to be washed, so I had to settle for a bikini. I figured a shirt was the way to go. “ Because I’m wearing a bikini today” I replied. “So what” she laughed, “ Just take your shirt off no one here is going to judge you.”


I looked around timidly to see all of the people flooding in from the parking lot. I couldn't bear the thought of all of them staring at me, judging me for the way I looked as I judge myself as well. “ But there are too many people here” I replied. “What if someone doesn't like the way I look and they make a rude comment, what do I do then?” I asked. “You tell them to come see me” as she rolled up her shirt to resemble a bikini. She then replied “ there is more to life than wondering what society thinks about you. Odds are you are never going to see any of these people again, and they won't even remember you or your body. Be happy with who you are now because you may not always be this shape.

Be a role model, and show younger girls that they don't need to worry about how they look, because society is only one opinion in this world.” It was in that moment that I found the confidence inside myself. I took off my shirt and dove into the waves alongside my best friend. We laid happily on the beach tanning away while many people walked by. I felt the anxiety come back at times but I've always found a reason to push it away. My best friend.  She has helped me to build myself into a better person and role model for younger girls. She has helped to shape me into the strong, confident, 18 year old I am today. And I have realized, society doesn't decide how you feel about yourself. Only you can be the judge of you.

The author's comments:

I'm a fun loving senior who enjoys dogs and country music.

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on Mar. 17 2016 at 2:46 pm
SmileyChey BRONZE, Montague, Michigan
1 article 13 photos 2 comments
I love this so much..