my home | Teen Ink

my home

March 15, 2016
By Anonymous


Wake up in Omaha Nebraska.

Have one sister and one brother. Love them all the time. Until they make you mad. Then make them be scared of you. Have two dogs. They run away all the time. Only keep one dog. Be sad for a while and then get over it. Go to school. Meet your best friend. Have one best friend throughout elementary school. Sixth grade she moves to Millard. Learn to make new friends. Be forced to play softball. Learn how to pitch. Actually start liking softball. Make a select softball team and love it so much. Best friend moves back to Papio. Don’t really talk to her in middle school. Make new friends. Your dog cookie passes away. Live 2 years without a dog.. Finally parents let you get a dog. Get buddy. Go on a trip to Florida. Go to Disney world and never want to come home. Come home. Strat high school. Babysit, babysit, babysit. That’s how you make your money right now. Become best friends with your old best friend . She never leaves your side. Like ever. Play high school softball. Hate it with a burning passion. Forced to play though. Pretend to like it. Play for four years. Hate all of them. Grandma and grandpa start staying longer in Arizona. Miss them a lot. Learn that sometimes a phone call is better then nothing. Get a new puppy for Christmas. Love her so much. She is the best thing that will happen to your little family. She is the cutest puppy ever. Her name is Sophie. Still have the same best friend. She's still the best. All done with softball now. Mom doesn’t force you to play anymore. You're big now. You have a car and a job. You make your own money and pay for your own stuff. Grandpa and grandpa still live in Arizona. But its fine. You have your own money now, you can see them whenever you want. Love your mom more now. She's always there for you. Your brother and sister, yeah they are also your best friends too. You're not to sure where you would be without them. Its almost time to graduate now. Still not sure what you're doing for college yet. But its okay, you don’t have to know yet.

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