Food Habits | Teen Ink

Food Habits

March 17, 2016
By Anonymous

Most families that I know usually eat dinner as a family. Another thing that at least my friend’s families do is that there parents cook there dinner not my friends. I also notice that they all eat the same thing. The last thing that I notice is that when dinner is all over that each family member either cleans their dish or it is someone's turn to do all the dishes. My family is different on the other hand. My family does pretty much the opposite of all of this.

My family consists of five of us. I am fifteen, I have two parents and two younger brothers. My youngest brother is nine. My other brother is thirteen. We all eat a different variety of foods. My brothers and I all have our own taste of food. One food that my brothers and I like to share that is our favorite to share is mac n’ cheese. Some of my friends favorite food to eat together is steak, pizza, or burgers. My brothers and I are the completely different.

We all make it differently also. My friends ask how can you make it differently if there are directions on the box. My youngest brother likes a lot of butter so sometimes he adds extra butter and I don't like a lot of butter so then I would get mad and not eat it. If my other brother makes it, he isn't good at measuring milk so a lot of the time there is either too much milk or not enough. Sometimes my brothers just do not want me to make  it so when they eat it they just make excuses and do not eat it. To truly see if they like it I will say that my mom or dad made it and then they usually say they love it and then I say that I made it. My family eats wherever we want so if there is an argument then we can't get yelled at by our parents for arguing over little things.

We all don't take turns washing dishes. Most of the time my mom will wash all the dishes. If she gets overwhelmed by them my dad will usually help. It is rare that you see my brothers and I do dishes. Relatives say that I am rude because I am the oldest but there aren't many fights over me being forced to do the dishes. We are not the average family but we all get along most of the time.

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