Growing up | Teen Ink

Growing up

March 18, 2016
By TaylorNewell BRONZE, Chicago Heigths, Illinois
TaylorNewell BRONZE, Chicago Heigths, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Being the baby of the family is hard.  Constantly trying to fit in and act like you can take responsibility.  I always wanted to be like my older brother and sister.  When I was little I wanted responsibility just like them.  At the time, my brother was a freshman in high school.  My sister was in 8th grade. Both of them were popular and would be out and about with there friends or staying home alone. 

I was 7 years old when I asked my parents to stay home alone for the first time.  My neighbor was having a big party and I didn't want to go so I asked my parents.  Both my parents hesitated before giving me the okay.  When they said yes I was so thrilled I still remember the feeling.

That night my parents went to the party and my mom write down all the emergency contacts if something bad were to happen.  I promised my parents I wouldn't do anything crazy.  When they left, I decided they first thing I would do was to play on my DSi.  After a while, I got hungry so I went to my kitchen and get a snack.  When I got my snack, I went to my tv to watch some of my shows. Everything was going good until I heard a noise while I was watching tv.  The noise came from the door.  It sounded like someone was trying to get into the house. 

I was so scared o decided to call my moms cell phone to tell her about the noise.  Of course, she didn't answer so I went back to watching my show.  Five minutes later my dad called the house phone and told me that my moms phone died.  I told him about the noise and he came home to look around the house to see where the noise was coming from.  He looked around the house and he said it was all good and that I was safe.  He asked me if I wanted to go to the party and I said no because I didn't want my brother and sister calling me a whimp and make fun of me.  An hour passes and I was sitting on my couch when I heard the noise again.  The noise was louder this time and when I heard it I jumped.

I was so scared I grabbed my dog, ran up to my room, and locked the door.  I didn't want to come out of my room but I had to get the phone.  I prayed to God before I went downstairs. When I was walking downstairs I heard someone walking into the house. I froze on the stairs trying to not make a sound.  After the door opened I heard my brother and his friends voices as they all walked in.  I began to cry on the stairs on the stairs because I was so scared and I was happy it wasn't an intruder.  When my brother heard me crying on the stairs and asked me what's happened.  I told him about everything and he told me it was okay and he called my dad.  When the party was over my parents came home and I was hanging out with my brother and his friend.  Let's just say I didn't stay home alone for a very long time.

The author's comments:

I wanted responsibility.

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