Moving | Teen Ink


March 21, 2016
By Vince76 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Vince76 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
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My old house is about 13 blocks away from my new house and I only spent like 5 or 6 years of my life at that house. My memory of it is a bit scarce, but this is what I remember from it. Let me back track a little bit, I was born on November 21, 1999 so my early years, like the first 2-3 years of my life, are pretty hard to remember like I said but the things I remember the most were going on Vacations, Therapy, Falling down the stairs, the playground out back, bunking with my brother, practicing the guitar, and my old schools.


First I should talk about my family since I mentioned it and it wouldn’t be a good story without them. I have three brothers, all older than me, and of course my parents. First there is my first older brother James who is at this point 16 years old and is usually quiet and doesn’t like to talk that much but what I will say he knows almost everything about Movies than anyone in our entire family. Next there is my next older brother Joe who is 19, he is the smartest out of all my brothers and he likes music too, not just modern music but some of the oldies like The Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead, Sex Pistols, etc. Finally my oldest brother Danny who is 20, loves to tease us, and loves Football but doesn’t play it (He tried, it was a fail) and likes movies too (Our entire family loves movies). Sometimes me and my brothers like to horse around like wrestling, occasionally playing a board game, and one of our old childhood favorite games (Even though I got hurt a lot) a beanie baby war where we throw little stuffed animals at each other across a bed. Of course I have to mention my parents, First my Mom loves to read and likes to watch TV Shows that we boys hate, Then my Dad likes to read too and likes to watch soccer or Futbol whichever you prefer. I guess I should mention myself too, like I said I’m Vincent and I like playing video games, watch TV, and, even though I’m not one of the biggest readers, I still like to read certain books like Fantasy or Sci-fi, that reminds me of a story where my English teacher almost jugged me for that, though that is not important.

When I lived in my old house, I had to share my room with my brother Joe who always had the top bunk. I always wanted to sleep on the top bunk but my brother forbad because why not? I remember going on a few vacations but the ones I remember are Stone Island, New Jersey and Colorado. In Stone Island, we had a summer house we always stayed at when we stayed but I don’t remember what it looked like aside from the fact that we had an entire table full of toys that keeps us kids occupied. In Colorado, I remember it pretty well, including the giant trampoline which made me jump like 20 feet even though I was strapped on so I didn't get hurt. I also remember the first time I rode a horse even though it is kind of hard to remember exactly what happened. At the old house, I took Therapy there for grammar, learning how to talk, and writing. I had numerous therapists so I lost count (but if I had to guess I’d say around 10) I’m not sure why I have a lot of them but not important. It felt kind of strange to have a lot of therapists at our house which made it feel that I desperately needed help. It wasn’t all bad though, me and some of the other therapists still played games some educational that were still fun. One of the memories of my old house that was physically painful was me falling down down the stairs right in front of my parents and crying like a baby (You don’t say??). I think the cause of falling down the stairs was either I was going to fast and slipped or I wasn’t looking and missed the step. I was sore for days. Me and my brothers had a music teacher that taught us how to play the guitar when we were little kids. We were not very good at it and to this day I don’t think I will be able to play it as well as I did back then even though I stink at it, it was still one of those moments I remember. We all had different scenarios when we were playing the guitar, Me and Jamie learned from a book we liked to read, Joe actually managed to play with our teacher at a Cafe which was cool, and Dan…..honestly I don’t know what he did. What I experienced from playing the guitar was turning into an intelligent kid and me wanting to play an instrument since a lot of people I know played an instrument. I went to two different schools during my time at my old house. First, there was a school called Ancona grammar school at Hyde Park, I was only there for about a year during my first year at school but I remember it pretty well; The playground, The classroom, being in detention for no adequately explained reason, Music class where we danced, the gym, and some of my friends there to that I haven’t seen in years. Second, I went to a different school known as Barbara Vick grammar school and the ironic thing is that this is the school that I don’t remember that much about aside from being close to Marist about seven blocks away, a magic show, and when it was recess some kid pushed on purpose and I desired revenge but didn’t sadly, also I was there for a year again during Kindergarten, so this was during the year 2004 and little did I know that a year later we’d be out of the house.

In 2005, a young family needed a house they can live at and the cheapest one was our house.Our Dad looked around for a new house so we can stay at, which makes me ask myself why they can’t go to that house but whatever. Dad did find a house for us about 17 blocks away in Beverly, so we packed everything, said goodbye to our old house, and drove to our new home that I still live in for about 11 years and share a room with my brother James.

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