A Day at the Cotrage | Teen Ink

A Day at the Cotrage

March 21, 2016
By ErinStapleton BRONZE, 60463, Illinois
ErinStapleton BRONZE, 60463, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I sit down at my cottage with my whole family for dinner, it's not your your typical dinner.Before dinner is even started  me and my cousins husk the corn and we husk the corn into this compost that my uncle has for animals so they can eat the left overs or farm fresh vegetable such as tomatoes,cucumbers or even apples. Then set the table with our fork and knife that has our names on it and then plates. We have the cousins sit at one table and then the adults at the other. But when I say the cousins at one table there is thirteen of us at one table so it's a little crowded but that's what makes us so close and have a special bond. Then,my grandma that has red hair, and very short that always has a smile on her face leads us in prayer and then we start eating. Next we all talk about our day and say what we did or what our favorite part is or we make jokes. These dinner’s our a very important thing in my life because  I love sitting down with my family and just talking about stories. Eating dinner with my family is my favorite part of the day because that's part of the day we’re together and we're always eating hot dogs or cheese burgers. We always eat this dinner because it's easy to make and there's a lot of us.When the whole family is together and sitting down at the table there is never a dull moment with them we're always talking or laughing about something that happened during the day.

The author's comments:

This piece is very important to me when I wrote it because my family means so much to me. I'm also very lucky to have such a great family

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