Live Until You Die | Teen Ink

Live Until You Die

March 22, 2016
By Jcharris BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Jcharris BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm the type of person that is all about myself, well I used to be a selfish person until January 8th, 2014. When someone actually needed me. My great grandmother died, my mom's grandma, on January 8th, 2014. That was probably the hardest day of my life where I not only had to comfort myself but also my mother. My mom is one of the strongest woman I know but that day when her grandmother passed away, the lady who practically raised her died.

The morning grandma Scutty passed away it was early six or seven in the morning when we got the phone call. My dad came in into my room and told me and told me and my sister, Le'lani , we weren't going to school and he'll be back he had to go pick up my mother from work and my older sister, Kailani, was going with. Right then I realized something had to be wrong because Kailani was going. I decided to get up to figure out what was going on then Kailani told me grandma Scutty died. She start sobbing I didn't know what to do but I knew I couldn't cry. At that moment I had to make sure she was ok.

When they got home from getting my mom and going to my Aunt Gin house my mom look mad. That was weird because I would suspect her to look sad not so much mad. I knew everyone was already having a rough day so I decided not to ask her if she was okay because I was afraid of the real answer. I went downstairs and just made my mom some food. Then I asked my dad why was my mom looked so mad. He replied "Auntie Gin took Scutty to the hospital over a month ago and didn't tell your mom". I had nothing to say, I had to respect my elders so I just kept quiet.

Later that afternoon, we went back to my aunt's house. At the time I haven't yet spoken to my mom about the situation. I couldn't force myself to speak to my aunt knowing she her my family. I put so much fault on my aunt that we didn't see Scutty before she passed away,

I remember my mom telling us little stories and saying Scutty was like her mother. "Scutty raised me so well, she gave me everything I wanted and stuck up for me when I needed some" she would say all the time. Then I realized I don't even have to ask if she was okay because if I think if my mom died I would be so hurt so therefore my mom was terribly hurt because Scutty, someone who was like a mother, passed away. I knew at that moment I had to make sure she was in the right state of my mind because if my mom died I would literally go crazy. I had to make sure she knew Scutty loves her and in a better place and that everyone has a day and time when their mission on earth is over. And Scutty was over now she a real beautiful angel.

I held in all my tears for a very long time because I had to comfort everyone else and forgot about myself. My first time crying over Scutty's death was the day of the wake when I realized that would be one of my last times ever getting to see her and that is never get to actually talked to her again or hear her little jokes about my long legs. I didn't know what to do and seeing the people I love and care about hurting hurts even more. Especially know you can't do anything about it. I hate seeing the person I admire so much in a casket dead.

After I came from the wake I realized something else, I can not take life for granted and at any given time I can die. So I should live like with no regrets. Laid in my bed that night and asked God to make me up from this horrible nightmare and to give my family the strength to go to the saddest funeral. At the end of the prayer I cried myself to sleep. The funeral went well and we all went our separate ways.

On that day I learned three things not to take life for granted, sometimes others will need you for something and maybe you don't know how to exactly be there for them but it's good to let them know you're here if they need to talk. Last but not least Live until you die.

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