First friend | Teen Ink

First friend

March 30, 2016
By Anonymous

A story about how i made my first friend through a classical puking story. 

Chapter 1: Humiliation

  The second day of 1st grade seemed to drag on. For everyone else it was the middle of the year, but today was my second day and I already decided that today would be like the last, dreadful with a side of humiliation. In case it wasn't obvious, the first day of first grade didn't go very well..unless you consider clinging onto your mom for dear life crying and screaming while 2 teachers tried to pry you off is a good way to start the year, then yes it was fantastic.
   Anyways today was going to be terrible figuring the 2 bullies of my grade were already on my case. Calling me crybaby or whatever else they could think of. Plus not to mention after that embarrassing act I pulled off, no one has dared to even talk to me. Not a single person. Whenever I walked past kids my age in the neverending halls of Cummings elementary, they would dart their eyes at me, giggle, whisper something to their friend/friends and look away. I guess this year i'll have no friends and suddenly I found myself wishing that I could go back to my old school. It was so warm and open and everyone was so inviting. I don't think i've ever seen anyone at all be so rude to the other kids, i guess I never realized until now how nasty people could be to other people. It made me feel small, and out of place.
   I thought about this as i made my way to the lunch room, my stomach grumbled and I quickly hurried to the front of the lunch line.
   At lunch I had potatoes and gravy and square bread, along with 2 bags of carrots, that didn't seem to be very fresh, but I stomached them down anyways.
   After lunch was recess. At my old school we didn't have that, instead we just played inside for a while until it was time to go back to learning; I already didn't like it because it was early February, and the weather was so cold if you spit on the floor it would freeze in almost 5 seconds.
   During recess I sat alone, deserted on a rusty old swing with curled up chains and the harsh cry of the swings metal pushing together.
   As I listened to the kids playing in the background on the field, I suddenly felt sick and I looked up to see one of the recess ladies walking towards me but by the time she got within a foot of me, It was already too late.
    Flamboyant orange puke spewed from my mouth like a leak in a garden hose and panic masked the woman's face as she stumbled to my side to help me. 
   Not knowing what to do I quickly put my hands over my mouth in an attempt to stop it but it kept going, through my hands and down my coat in a pool between my legs and I realized the noise in the background had been erased and I felt hot blood rising up in my cheeks as the recess lady helped me up, still holding up my hair out of the orange vile.
    But here's what I didn't expect. I didn't expect a girl noticing my humiliation as i'm covered in puke and rush into help. I expected to hear laughing and multiple ‘ew” ‘s from behind me as I was rushed off to the bathroom but instead, I met my first friend. And I decided, maybe this year won't be as bad as I thought it would be.

Chapter Notes:

its very long

The author's comments:

This piece was meant to challenge my writing and write about something im not very comfortable with. And its very obvious if you read it, im not very comfortable with what im writing. 

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