Tristan's memoir | Teen Ink

Tristan's memoir

April 3, 2016
By TristanD BRONZE, Orland Park, Illinois
TristanD BRONZE, Orland Park, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This book has some hard experiences and my point of view on life sometimes. It tells a story of how I wish things would be. Life is too short so live it well. Live your life stress free. Make it simple as possible 

Chapter 1: I wish things were just like when I was younger

When I was little I would constantly be imagining things and there was no stress. When I was younger everything seemed good and not as bad. When I was little I used to play in the street at 9 at night. Now if I stay out until eight, I get jumped just like last year or something outrageous happens. Before you could trust certain types of people to do simple tasks but now it's just a free for all. You really can't totally trust anyone. There's a lot of crime and hate in this world.

          This world used to be so peaceful and so good. It's just gotten worse. People have changed. The world decreased in the means of being good. I feel like there has to be more people that have the will to do more good deeds than bad. Before if someone dropped a dollar and someone noticed, they would immediately give it back. Now a days if you drop a dollar it's very rare for someone to notify you and give it back. People now are getting killed left and right for no reason at all or it'll be some sort of a mistake due to gang violence.

          There definitely is a lot of bad that goes on in this world but you have to also look back and notice the people that are still good. They're the true people because they don't give in to society's nonsense. I believe that this world has definitely had a downfall in the amount of good people that are still here. Everything that you see on TV is not how everything should be. Now I'm not saying I'm a perfect person because I'm very far from being perfect but at least I'm a person that makes the effort to make a difference in this world. One small and very simple deed that you do can impact someone's life in a variety of ways.

          The other day I helped someone out who was down in dumps because they had relationship problems and they were breaking down and at the time I had been laying in my bed of my Dad's house and I was sick. He had his heart broken because he had fallen in love. I had a bad burrito and ended up with food poisoning. I still managed to make that person feel great. Now imagine if I wasn't sick, I could've done so much more. That's what I'm saying with the people who complain about not having the world they had before. You have to make an effort otherwise things get worse. Give a homeless person twenty dollars, help your parents out, anything that you can do to make a positive impact on someone's life can help make that difference. Who knows? You may receive all that good karma back in return. That's when you know you've done all that you can to help.

The author's comments:

Well it was a class assignment so I had to do it

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This article has 1 comment.

Lonnie said...
on Apr. 6 2016 at 9:27 am
I read your memoir I think it's a powerful piece of work.