No Place Like Home | Teen Ink

No Place Like Home

April 14, 2016
By Anonymous

Quite possibly the most influential and important place in someone’s life is his or her house. It is where a person learns about the world and slowly grows up from a small child into an adult, until he or she can get his or her own home. It is essentially the place where a child is molded into his or her own person. My house is very important to me. There have been times in the past when my parents wanted to move, but my siblings and I decided that we did not want to because our house was too important to us.

My house is made of these beige bricks that are held together by light grey cement. On the front steps of the house a part on the right side of the second step is crack and I have always wondered what caused it. Also, on the corners of my house on the outside the bricks protrude away from the house more making it easy to climb on. I would always climb on my house when I was younger. I have a two-way driveway with a square type are attached to it which connects to my two car garage and is where we have out basketball hoop. Through a gate on the side of my house, which is right next to my basketball hoop leads into our pool area. It is completely fenced off with this black aluminum fencing that is about 5 and a half feet tall. Also, it is where we used to let my dog Oreo out, because it was fenced in so he could not wander off. Next to the pool area is the backyard, which is flat and in the shape of a square. In each of the four corners off the backyard there is one tree each, and between the two far trees lays the playground. It essentially is just a slide with two swings.

My front door consists of two doors connecting to make one big door and it is green and made of wood and has this unique flower design engraved into it. Once entering the doors, you enter the foyer which is has this shiny grey tiles with black diamonds on them. In the middle of the day in the foyer sunlight will go through the peephole in the front door and make a circular rainbow on the wall. Right in the front doors you have the option to go upstairs, straight to the kitchen, left to the family room, and right to the dining room. The kitchen has a rectangular shape and has a black table made of wood, which my family and I typically eat dinner on. Then next to that there is an “island” which is this rectangular table with the same granite top as the counters that go around some edges of the room.

The kitchen is then connected to the family room, which has the biggest TV in the house. Next to the TV there is a caricature of my sister and the picture is crooked but no matter how hard I try I can straighten it. Alongside that it has this very big black couch that goes against two walls in a “L” shape. Going upstairs would bring you to a hallway, which is connected to my bedroom, my brother’s bedroom, my sister’s bedroom, a bathroom, and my parent’s bedroom. In the upstairs hallway in the floor is a green carpet. Also, the upstairs hallway floors creak a lot. Through out my many years living in the house I have been able to map out where the floor does not creak.

In my room there are two beds on the opposite side of the room from each other. Above my bed there is a hole in the wall the size of a softball that was put in there because my brother and I were fighting when we were younger. In front of one bed there is a beige wooden dresser with 5 different drawers and a TV on top. Next to that is a beige wooden desk where I do my homework. My brother’s room consists of a bed, a futon, and a wooden desk. The bed has blue sheets and a dark brown wooden frame. The futon is adjacent to the bed and it has a light yellow wooden frame with a black cushion, and lastly the desk is adjacent to the futon. The desk is a medium dark shade of brown and has drawers on the left and right side of it. My sisters room has bright pink walls, a white old fashioned dresser with a TV on top of it. The dresser’s paint is chipping and one of the chipped marks is in the shape of a giraffe (in my opinion, my sister does not agree). She also has a white makeup stand, which is directly next to her bed. My parents bedroom is the biggest of all but the most empty. It has a rectangular shape and has a queen-sized bed facing their TV. Across the length of the room are two dressers and that is it.

My house is very important and impactful on my life. The small details about it are what make it unique, even though there are some little parts about it I do not enjoy. Among the features about it I do not enjoy are the squeaky floors because you can hear those all throughout the house.

The author's comments:

This article is completely based on the house I grew up in.

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