Chandelier | Teen Ink


April 14, 2016
By maddydonovan BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
maddydonovan BRONZE, Franklin Lakes, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hung prominently in the center of the room, it craves attention. The sparkling crystals are impossible to be ignored by anyone. Each individual crystal reflects the sunlight to form a rainbow on the ceiling and floor of the old house. It was handed down from generations and is now hanging in the house. The glittering chandelier is hung over a dinner table, which seats ten people. Many dinners and family gatherings have been held at this table. A mix of different people have sat in this room and admired the chandelier. Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins have all been invited to have dinner at the house. The scratches and scrapes on the shiny wooden table show how often it has been used in the past. Usually the table is also decorated with a tablecloth to match the season or holiday. The rest of the room also imitates the same theme.

For birthdays, a “happy birthday” banner is adorned from wall to wall in front of the windows. The windows are all in a row on the far back wall and the blinds are typically open. When the windows are uncovered, the sunlight is let in and it brightens up the dull color of the room. Through the windows you can see the backyard, which is completely empty. The lawn is covered in freshly cut green grass. The light terra cotta color that covers the walls is covered with pictures and paintings. Each family photo on the wall tells a different story. Some are from past vacations and some are Christmas cards that were never taken down from the holidays. There are also a few mirrors that scatter throughout the room. One mirror is next to a small closet with a gold doorknob. The closet contains mostly food and has shelves all around. A light bulb hangs from the ceiling and illuminates the closet when it is on. Back in the dining room a huge wooden cabinet is on the left wall. It holds all of the silverware, plates, glasses, and napkins we use for special occasions. We rarely use some of the things in the cabinet.

The next room on the right is the kitchen. The white tile floor is usually freezing because the heat is never on in the house. The light wooden cabinets match parts of the counter. The cabinets all the way on the left hold plates and glasses for dinner. The cabinets on the right hold mostly food. The cabinets are overlooking the smooth black and white marble counter. The metal sink is in the center of the counter and it is usually filled with dishes and glasses. The dishwasher is also attached to the counter and is shiny and black. It has been broken for years, so it is never used. The oven is also the same color as the dishwasher. On top of the oven, the stove is so shiny that you can see your reflection. The stove usually has random pots and pans on it because they are forgotten to put away. The microwave sits above the stove and oven. It is also polished and shiny and has different number buttons to the left. The time on the microwave is always wrong because someone always forgets to change it. There is also a clock across from the dishwasher. It is white and has a black screen in the middle. Since it is broken it never shows the time and it only plays two different stations. The reflection in the window next to the clock shows the chandelier hung in the next room.

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