Equity | Teen Ink


April 25, 2016
By CarolinaS. BRONZE, Houston, Texas
CarolinaS. BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The first time I learned about inequity was when I was 10 years old and I was in 5th grade, it was one of the last days of school and it was a "free day" that we had each year where we did fun activities and played games. In this day, they also gave out trophies to the winners of this activities and everyone was so excited to win. Once the day was ending there was going to be a special activity were every student was going to participate, a racing between everybody. I remember a teacher said: Who wants to be in front of the line? and they didn't even let us choose, they just put the boys in front of the line because they knew they were faster and more likely to win. At that moment, I realized they were being unfair with the girls by not putting them at the front so I decided to not participate because I knew my full potential wouldn't be reached. This changed my life by making me understand that there are people in this world who require a little more help than others to make it a more equitable environment. Today equity is not being demonstrated rather there is equality that I don’t think provides fairness to everyone.

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