The Bone Has Dropped | Teen Ink

The Bone Has Dropped

May 26, 2016
By Anonymous

I ran inside the house lightning quick after walking home from school. “I thought you guys had school for thirty more minutes,” my mom said, “I was going to pick you up.”


“It’s Wednesday we get out thirty minutes early,” my sister said furiously.

“What’s that,” my brother asked suspiciously, “is it a present for me?”

“No,” said my mom “It’s a present for all of you.”

“I know what it is,” said my brother with a smirk “It’s a dog.” My mom gave him an evil glare.

“Is it really a puppy?” my sister asked excitedly.

“Yeah, It is”my mom said.

“Yeah, we have a dog now,” I said.

“it’s a chihuahua” screeched my sister I jumped up three time before I slipped and hit my head. “Aye chihuahua” my dad said joking (bada bum chh). “You're so clumsy” my brother said.

“My head hurts so much,” I said.

“Omg! It’s so cute!” my sister said excitedly. This was the first time I saw the puppy.

Then next thing I know, I hear screeching (it was my sister). I start to feel something pointy scratching my leg. I’m thinking to myself what could that be? Then I’m like, oh, yeah, the box. I sat up and saw a chihuahua sniffing me and everyone. It was so exciting! We were petting her all day.

We named her Cece. I don’t remember why though. We washed her and slept with her and fed her. We bought her a toy bone that she would carry around everywhere. Even when she slept, she would put it in front of her so that when she wakes up, she can carry it around again.

After two years of living with her, for some reason, she wanted to sleep in the basement. We let her and left the basement door open in case she changed her mind.

The night after she slept in the basement, my sister, brother, and I were the first to wake up in the morning. We went to go check on her, and we couldn’t find her, so we woke up our parents.

I felt so scared; it was like I was in my house alone with a person coming to kill me. We searched for five minutes until my mom found a pool of blood. She made sure our dad took us upstairs before they investigated what happened . All that my mom could find of her was the toy bone stained with blood.

My parents came up a seven minutes later,and they told us what they think happened. “You know that old t.v. that was on the shelves?” my dad said. “Well, it turns out Cece went under them and the shelves couldn’t hold the t.v. anymore. The first shelf  snapped then all the force and weight broke the second then the third and finally…” he paused. We knew what he meant. It felt like I just got pierced in the heart by a stake and sludge hammer. Cece was dead. All we did that day was cry and cry. We didn’t go to school for a week.

Still to this day, I can remember this gruesome death. Cece had been crushed by a t.v. Ever since that day, every grade in school, I tell my story to someone or the class about how my first dog died. I overcame this death by being with my family and friends. It is in my memory and will always be. From this day on I still feel that same piercing in my heart when I tell this story.

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