Living with Bipolar Disorder | Teen Ink

Living with Bipolar Disorder

May 31, 2016
By Anonymous

Sixth grade year is when it all happened. The mood swings got worse, I was losing friends and the people close to me we’re moving farther and farther away and I didn’t know why. One minute I was angry, then sad, then happy. I didn’t know people we’re noticing, I didn’t think people would care but they did.


Seventh grade it had gotten a little better, some of my old friends came back around after all of my apologies and we hung out a lot. We went to parties and went out bowling and skating. But one night we we’re out at the movies and I snapped for no reason. The lady working the concession stand gave me the wrong size popcorn and I just went off on her, threw the popcorn on the ground, called her stupid, and walked to the theatre, my friends we’re in shock and so was I a few minutes later.

That night I started to google everything that was going on with me, and I came across this disorder, Bipolar Disorder. I talked to my doctor and I asked if he could run some tests on me and he did. A week later I found out I was bipolar.

I didn’t understand, no one in my family had this disorder so how could I get it? I was so upset, I got so angry and I just broke down and cried. My mom told me everything was going to be okay.

Eighth grade year to about eleventh grade it had gotten way better, I was more calm and I didn’t snap out as much. I made new friends, my family and I were closer than ever and I got a boyfriend that understood what was going on with me. I have nothing but support around me and I couldn’t be more grateful.

Bipolar disorder is nothing to joke around with. It’s a very serious disorder that millions of people suffer from including me.

The author's comments:

This is a very personal topic for me.

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