My Passion for Gaming | Teen Ink

My Passion for Gaming

June 1, 2016
By BigMatt BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
BigMatt BRONZE, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Ever since an early age, I have had burning passion to game. It has been a huge part of my life, giving me different hopes and dreams. It’s hard to define the experience, it’s like you are in a different universe as time slows down around you. When I play, I feel like a new hero with a different adventure; feeling confident and proud of the victories and accomplishments. I’ve been sucked into games many times, feeling the rush of adrenaline, endorphin flowing, and the loss of time. I think it would be safe to say I’m addicted but with the responsibilities of life catching up, I’ve had to draw back. Although I do not play anywhere near as much as I used to, I still feel on top whenever I sit down and play.

I have started at an early age, when I was more isolated and lonely. It was more of a comfort than a passion in my early years. Something to do when dad was at work and while mom wrote. It felt comforting to have something to keep my mind on. Learning how to solve puzzle, create strategies, and allow my imagination to flourish. My imagination had sprouted like tree, roots running deep, adventures fueling life. Video games had given me a different perspective on life, one with more hope and optimism. Of course, as a child I was much more active and gullible when it came to my imagination. I’ve since mellowed but always have kept that youthful sense of wonder and optimism gaming has showed me.

Gaming has also given me role models who have shown me excellent morals and values to follow. My biggest hero who has left a major impact on me would be Master Chief. Master Chief is the main character in the videogame series Halo. He is a super soldier, clad in green armor, with a visor that’s glows as orange as the sun. He follows the Marine Corp’s code of honor, and also has a stern belief that no-one should be honored for doing what’s expected. I follow his morals to help others in need, do what you can to make the world a better place, and always follow the right and just. He may usually seem as a cold husk of a man, but Master Chief is a sensible human with a conscience as well as a myriad of emotions. These little details and characteristics are what make him so identifiable by people, including me. Despite being a videogame character, Master Chief has a detailed story behind him, with so many tales and so many adventures. He’s a prime example of an average human being, despite being seen as invincible, has as strong and as mortal as those who see him.

Finally, gaming has given me a strong sense of confidence as well the greatest friends I’ve come to know. After exploring the depths of gaming, I’ve discovered that even with countless strengths, numerous advantages, a person can only be as strong as the links they possess. No matter what, as strong as a person is, there are limits to what someone can do alone and even fewer when they are in a struggle against themselves. These struggles, while not in exact scenarios, can be applied to life, showing that no-one is perfect and that there is nothing wrong with asking or looking for help. Needless to say, on my journey through learning these lessons, I’ve encountered some friends who have shown me the brighter side to life. I’ve made a difficult transition from isolation to socialization. The change from going from a desolate, quiet world to an enriched, vibrant place has been one of the greatest milestones in my life. The friends I’ve met provided me a new light to shine upon the world. As well as causing wisdom to blossom as a flower grows from the ground. They’ve taught me so much and given me a great sense of pride in myself.

Overall, gaming has provided a strong sense of place in society and a greater understanding of life. I’ve had bad experiences with gaming, nearly getting drawn into them and away from life. However, I now understand more clearly and treat as fantasy rather than life. I still put the lessons that I’ve learned, including the morals, into life and continue to adapt as I grow older. With time escaping and adulthood catching up, I begin to relish on the moments I have, cherish the experiences, and move on from the adolescence series of my life. I’m nervous to go into this new and unclear land, but with my knowledge and mindset, I know I can make the most of what I have and will earn.

The author's comments:

This is just a short memoir I made to express my deep involvement in gaming. It's a habit I'll have cut down on but I always will have a passion for it.

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