Six Flags Not So Great | Teen Ink

Six Flags Not So Great

June 1, 2016
By AndyJang3 BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
AndyJang3 BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
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I woke up on a sunny Sunday with the birds chirping and sun shining through my windows. I had woken up with a smile as if it was the first day of summer and instead just rolling out of bed I actually took my time and just laid there thinking about what I had planned for the day. My parents had called me for breakfast so I got up and stretched and made my way down. While I was walking down the aroma of breakfast seemed like I was walking into Beloc or Denny’s. The smell of the bacon, eggs, and coffee filled the house and I couldn’t have been happier. As we were conversing we told each other our plans for the day.

Dad: What’s everybody’s plan for today?
Mom: Staying home, the same old it is just a regular day for me.
Dad: How about you Andy?
Me: I am going to six flags with my friends today.

Dad: Well sure seems you are having a way more exciting day that your mother and me.

After we ate our breakfast we dispersed. I went back into my room and started packing my things I needed for the trip. I made a list so I wouldn’t forget anything or leave anything there. My list included: sunscreen, extra shorts, bathing suit, towel, and some money. Soon enough, my friends arrived at my house to pick me up and I was ready to go.

We were on our way and I thought that this day was going to be great without any upsets. On our way I felt as if I had no restrictions. No more school and no more stress just enjoyment. A couple moments later, I realized that I had forgotten to charge my phone the night before so my phone died. I know what you guys are thinking, we don’t need our phones to have enjoy a long car ride. I am sorry to say this, but that is false. Our generation revolves around technology, so when my phone died I just threw my phone in the back and didn’t say anything to anyone for a good 20 minutes. After about 25 minutes point I let it go because I was still on my way to an amusement park so I was still going to have fun. I thought to myself that nothing could ruin this day.

Going to Six Flags is not a huge trip but it was definitely better than staying at home and watching T.V all day. I fell asleep in the car and when I woke up I checked the time and realized that I had been asleep for 2 hours and 30 minutes. I was surprised because it doesn’t even take that long to get to Six Flags so I asked what happened and my friend driving said that he had made a wrong turn. We were wasting so much time and I knew that if we got there late, the lines for the rides would be HUGE. But whatever, we were still going and we were almost there so I was still jumping out of my seat.

We finally reached the park and we unloaded all our stuff from the car and made our way to get our tickets. We took like 5 steps and I saw the line. The line was ENORMOUS. At this point I was getting annoyed, just because everything was taking so long. We had to wait at least 40 minutes to get our tickets and once we got them I immediately knew that the lines were going to be super long.

Of course, my thinking was correct and the lines for the rides were huge. We had to make a plan for what we were going to do. We wanted to ride the rollercoasters more than any of the water slides, so we made our way to the dry section of the park. Since all the lines were about the same length we decided to ride the best rides first because there was no point in waiting that long for a stupid coaster. We stood in line for about 25-30 min and finally got on the ride. I thought to myself, “Nothing could go wrong with this day now”. Little did I know, I was completely wrong.

Midway through the ride, it started to pour heavy rain. Since it was only rain, they just made us wait for the rain to stop. As we were waiting in one of the locker rooms, it started to thunder and there was lightning so everyone had to leave. This completely ruined the day because we spent all this time and money to come to the park for a good 2 hours. We got into our car and left. At this point, I just wanted to go home but of course my day had to get worse.

As soon as we got on the highway, it started to storm and I mean STORM so there was so much traffic. The 2 hour car ride just turned into a 4 hour car ride. Worst part is, MY PHONE WAS STILL DEAD. To this day, I have never been back to Six Flags and I plan on never going there again. This was my disastrous trip. Don’t be an idiot and not check weather beforehand. I still cannot believe that out of all my friends that went, none of us decided to check what the weather was in Pennsylvania. You would think as 17 year olds we’d have the wisdom to at least know the forecast.

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