It Can't Be | Teen Ink

It Can't Be

June 1, 2016
By LizSamuel BRONZE, East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
LizSamuel BRONZE, East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day was going to be the best we were going to be playing kick ball in my favorite class P.E . . Sweating and ready to eat we all gathered in line to head down to the cafeteria.  Lunch time would usually be the time to just talk, eat, and have fun. Walking down to the lunch room my teacher pulled me to the side of the hallway “Liz, are you okay? I just want you to know you should always keep your head up, things will get better” staring blankly at the floor confused and slightly uncomfortable with her statement and welcoming gestures “ok thanks Miss Beard”.
So confused as to why she randomly said that, I went to the bathroom to escape the awkward stares from my classmates .I found anything to stall myself time, running out of options I just gave up and went down to the cafeteria. Silence took over the table I could hear my self-swallow and I felt eyes on me as I took bite after bite


“Kalah why are you acting weird what did I do?” I blurted out to my friend sitting in front of me .Everyone at the table instantly looked at her. “I just don’t want to say anything because I don’t want you to be mad” “mad about what?” I said... “Your brother” said kalah awkwardly “what about my brother he’s fine”. “Never mind” said kalah.

The day went on and the list of people believing my brother was dead continuously piled up! I began to grind my teeth from the frustration of hearing this rumor about my brother! I knew he was doing just fine, I had just been over his house the previous afternoon we were battling each other in Sonic, and I even went to see him before hopping on the school bus. I knew he was ok, I knew nothing was wrong with him he was just taking his asthma medicine and eating breakfast at home because he didn’t like the schools “slimy eggs and grits”, I knew the only reason he didn’t come to school was because he probably tricked his mom into letting him stay home .We would always play around like that.

It was time to go home ,I got onto the bus and immediately sat in the first available seat my knee constantly shaking I was ready to get home so I could  go next door and laugh with Keyshawn about how stupid people were at school today. I stepped off the bus as I walked around the buss thoughts bombarded me 

“Were they right?”

“pshhh nawww they’re just a bunch of liars “

“My brother’s fine he has to be”

As I crossed the street I spotted two police cars in the distance my heart sinked. I dropped my book bag and sprinted down the street as fast as I could to my brother’s house...There was no one there .The two police cars were across the street. I burst through the front door of my house “Where did they go to, Where is Keyshawn?” my mom and grandmother had wet eyes, “it can’t be” I cried “he’s going to be ok right like every other time he’s going to be ok!”  

I was mentally gone for a few days, it was hard for me to understand why God just let him past up this fight. As time went on I now get that Keyshawn is in a better place where his health is not an issue, the only fun he can have is not only inside playing video games. I grew to accept that he’s gone and I shouldn’t be depressed because of it, but to be happy and realize that he is now actually living.

The author's comments:

This memoir is about the day I found out my brother died.

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